Rent my first apartment
When I'm 18 -
Start college
At 18 -
By my own car
By the time I'm 20 -
Finish undergrad degree
By the time I'm 22 -
Start grad school
When in 23 -
Finish grad school
By the time I'm 28 -
Get married and move in with that person
By the time I'm 29 -
Buy my first house with my partner
By the time I'm 30 -
Establish my career as a therapist/counselor
By the time I'm 32 -
Adopt my first child
By the time I'm 35 -
Get a promotion or move to a different company
By the time I'm 37 -
Adopt my second child
By the time I'm 41 -
Buy a dog ( A german shepherd)
By the time I'm 42 -
Travel the world with my family
By the time I'm 45 -
Buy a second dog (A bloodhound)
By the time I'm 51 -
Adopt my 3rd child
By the time I'm 52 -
Renovate my house
By the time I'm 53