Formation of an independent Italy
This photo was chosen because it depicts the Kingdom of Italy as it was in 1861, including all of its different states. This allows for a better understanding of the way Italy was divided before its unification and its different regions immediately after it was unified. -
Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy
This image was chosen because it shows the progression of the Papal States being annexed to Italy over time. It allows for a better understanding of the geographical region in question and illustrates the changes in an easy-to-understand, comparative way. -
Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)
This image was chosen because it was illustrated by an Ethiopian artist in the 1940s. In its depiction of the Battle of Adwa, it captures the organization and preparedness of the Ethiopian forces (left) clashing against the amalgamation of faceless Italian forces (right). Because the artist was Ethiopian, the illustration allows insight into the country's perspective/pride over their victory and subsequent independence. -
Italy invades and takes over Libya
This photo was chosen due to its impactful depiction of Italian soldiers standing around Libyan corpses. It allows for a slight window into the atrocity involved in Italian occupation of Libya as well as implies a certain disregard, on the Italians' part, for the lives and dignity of the Libyan people (as was common between European colonizers and African peoples at the time). -
Mussolini kicked out of Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WWI
This image of the Il Popolo d'Italia newspaper, including a title page that mentions Mussolini, was chosen because it represents the reason why Mussolini was kicked out of the socialist party; for his advocation for Italian involvement in WWI, which was published in this newspaper. -
Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti
This image of the Avanti newspaper was chosen because it directly demonstrates how the publication looked and what it included in its headlines. For example, one of the headlines translates to "The manifesto of the leadership of the Socialist Party," and some subheadings include "Italian Socialist Party," and "The call to arms," which demonstrates the newspaper's affiliation with said party and its dedication to revolution. -
Treaty of London signed
This photo was chosen because it illustrates the territory Italy was promised by the Treaty of London (colored black) in return for their alliance with the Entente powers. This is significant as it demonstrates why Italy agreed to join the Allies and foreshadows the concept of the "mutilated victory," since Italy did not receive all they were promised at the end of the war. -
Beginning of Biennio Rosso
This photo was chosen because it depicts a group of "Red Guards" armed with guns, which is significant as it shows how militant action was taken during the protests of the Biennio Rosso. The writing on the image also refers to "occupation," which shows how groups of socialist revolutionaries occupied factories and land by force in this time period. -
Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan
The photo provided displays the symbol of the Fascio di Combattimento. The symbol shows the fighting bands as fighter groups are bonded tightly together by "ties," and the axe symbolizes the power of Rome. -
D’Annunzio takes Fiume
This image shows D’Annunzio beginning to march to Fiume with his men to control of the city. -
Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti
(April) This image illuminates Mussolini and Giolitti forming an alliance together as Giolitti wanted to prevent socialist revolution. -
Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader
(October) The photo depicts Mussolini as the leader of Italy, displaying his power over Italy in the PNF. -
March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
The photo displays black shirts marching to Rome without Mussolini, showing how Mussolini was not present during the march until the end in where he arrived by train. -
Acerbo Law passed
(July) The image displays Giacomo Acerbo himself, the man who established the law, presumably filing and sorting out documents. This is significant as it shows how he was a big factor in how Mussolini established power in Italy. -
Corfu Incident
(August) The image depicts the map of Europe, showing Corfu Island. This is significant as it presents a geographical visual of 1923 and the spatial distance from Italy. -
Aventine Secession
This picture is significant as it shows the Chamber of Deputies where the withdrawal of the parliament opposition took place comprising the Italian Socialist Party, Italian Liberal Party, Italian People's Party, and Italian Comminist Party. -
Battle for Grain
This picture symbolizes the battlle for grain which was a propaganda campaign with the aim of gaining self-sufficiency in wheat production. -
Locarno Treaty signed
This picture was choosen as it shows the Foreign Office in London where all the leaders were gathered and signed a series of treaties also known as the Locarno Treaty and guaranteed Germany's western frontier. -
Battle for the Lira
This picture symbolizes the economic policy undertaken by the Fascists in Italy as an attempt to raise the claims of Italy as a great power. -
Battle for Births
This picture symbolizes the demographic campaign which aimed at increasing the Italian population. -
Battle for Land
This picture is significant as it demonstrates the aim to increase the amount of land available for cereal production and clearing marshland in order to make it suitable for farming. -
Matteotti Crisis
The image shows a cartoon of presumably Mussolini sitting on top of Matteotti's coffin. The image relies the message that Mussolini was not only involved with Matteotti's death, but he was also trying to cover it up using his authority and power. -
Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed
This picture symbolizes the meeting where the agreement attempting to outlaw war as an insturment of national policy was taken place. -
Lateran Treaty with Pope
This picture is significant as it shows King Victor Emmanuel III and Pope Pius XI to settle the long-standing Roman Question in which the papacy recognized the state of Italy, with Rome as its capital. -
Abyssinian Crisis
This photo depicts both the geographical location of Abyssinia and the route in which Italy invaded it. -
Stresa Front
This picture is symbolizes the coalition between France, Italy, and Britain which aimed to oppose Hitler’s intention to rearm Germany. -
Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty signed
This photo shows how the treaty was a strategic decision between Mussolini and Hitler -
Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War
This photo expresses the large magnitude of support Italy sent to the nationalists. -
Munich Conference
This photo shows the territory which was affected -
Italy Invades Albania
This photo shows the routes which Italian forces used to invade Albania.. -
Italy enters WW II on side of Germany
This cartoon expresses the sentiment that Germany was pulling the most weight for Axis powers and Italy was just riding along. -
Mussolini brought down by coup during WWII
This photo shows that people were happy about the fall of the fascist regime and the end of Mussolini's dictatorship, in favor of a more democratic government for Italy. -
Mussolini Killed
This photo shows not only the method in which Mussolini's body was displayed - hanging from a piano cord - but also the happiness at his death.