Timeline for Mussolini and Fascist Italy

  • Formation of independent Italy

    Formation of independent Italy
    The process of unification began with the revolutions of 1848. This was a vastly important event, and changed the history of Italy forever.
  • Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy

    Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy
    The Papal states were annexed to the new nation of Italy. This was important to Italy as a new nation because it grew the nation, thus making them stronger.
  • Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa

    Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa
    A battle between the Ethiopian army and Italian forces. This served as a failure on the Italian part, as the Ethiopian army was far more equipped for battle than the Italians
  • Mussolini works as editor for Avanti

    Mussolini works as editor for Avanti
    in 1910, Mussolini became editor for Italian-Socialist newspaper, Avanti.
  • Italy invades and takes over Libya

    Italy invaded Libya in attempt to expand the Italian empire, as well as to combat the strong French influence within Africa at the time. This was a victory in comparison to the embarrassing loss against the Ethiopian forces.
  • Mussolini gets kicked out of the Socialist Party

    Mussolini was expelled from the Socialist Part due to pro-allied propaganda. During this time, he became an extreme nationalist and created his own magazine.
  • The Treaty of London

    The Treaty of London
    The Treaty of London was a secret treaty with neutral Italy and the allied forces. This treaty's intent was to get Italy to break free from it's 33 year alliance with the German empire and Austria-Hungary.
  • Beginning of Bienno Rosso

    Intense social conflict in Italy following the first world war.The revolutionary period was followed by the violent reaction of the Fascist militia and eventually by the March on Rome of Benito Mussolini.
  • Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan

    118 people, representing various political groupings, met in Milan and formed a Fascio di Combattimento
  • D’Annunzio takes Fiume

    D'Annunzio establishes Fiume as a facist state with Alceste de Ambris. There, the "superiors" ruled over the "inferiors" strictly
  • Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti

    Mussolini formed an alliance with the liberal government due to his understanding that the strong political parties, despite different views, must come to an agreement somewhere.
  • March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister

    One of the most significant events regarding Mussolini's rise to power. To stay in power he let the March on Rome happen, as there was a plan in place for 4 ras to gain power over larger areas of northern and central Italy.
  • Acerbo Law passed

    the Acerbo law gave the party that won the most votes two-thirds of the seats in parliament, given the percentage was no less than 25% of the votes cast.
  • Corfu Incident

    The Corfu Incident was when Italians in an international boundary delegation were killed in Greece. This was important, as this caused for Mussolini to order a naval attack on the Greeks.
  • Matteotti Crisis

    The Matteotti Crisis was a political confrontation between liberals and the Fascist government of Italy after the assassination of Giacomo Matteotti, who was a socialist opposition deputy.
  • Aventine Secession

    This was the response to the Matteotti Crisis. This is significant because 150 deputies in the Italian Chamber of Deputies withdrew from their position to oppose Mussolini. However, this was a fail.
  • Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader

    Mussolini persuaded members of the Fasci di Combattimento to re-form from an organization to a political party. Then he became the leader of the facist party, which was major in his rise to power.
  • Battle for Grain

    The battle for grain was Mussolini's effort to get more grains such as cereal and wheat grown. It was only partially successful though, as it doubled grain production in Italy, but misplacing happened very frequently.
  • Locarno Treaty signed

    This series of treaties between Germany, France, Belgium, Britain, and Italy ensured peace in western Europe. This also strengthened the trust in the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira

    These were battles for more land for Italy, as well as a battle for an increase on the value of the Lira-- the Italian currency.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Births

    During this time, Mussolini greatly implemented many patriarchal values that reinforced the many stereotypes of women, such as the house wife. More notably he wanted to increase the population from 40 million to 60 million in just 23 years.
  • Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed

    he countries who signed, as a result, agreed to renounce war as a tool of foreign policy. Signatories included France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Italy, etc. However, this was a failure.
  • Lateran Treaty with Pope

    The Lateran Treaty was a series of secret negotiations between the fascists and Cardinal Gasparri, a senior Vatican official. This was largely important because the Catholic Church became a facist collaborator.
  • Italy enters WW II on side of Germany

    Italy declared war on France and Britain because they didn't want Germany to be solo in taking over all of Europe.
  • Stresa Front

    European alliance that included France, Britain, and Italy. It formed as a display of joint opposition to Adolf Hitler’s publicly announced intention to rearm Germany, because it violated the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Abyssinian Crisis

    Italy questioned the credibility of the league of nations. The campaign was led by Mussolini. It is incredibly important because it marked Italy’s withdrawal from the League of Nations and alignment with Nazi Germany.
  • Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War

    Nationalists in Spain received aid from Italy and Nazi Germany. The goal of the nationalists was to overturn the left-wing government in favor of the dictatorship that Franco wanted to create.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty signed

    This Treaty signaled a coalition between Italy and Germany. This served as clear evidence of the clear preparation of fascist states for future conflict, and It began based on political interests.
  • Munich Conference

    Hitler demanded that the Germans in Czechoslovakia be returned to Germany. They believed peace would only happen if the Czech-Germans were to transfer back to Germany.
  • Italy Invades Albania

    Mussolini invaded Albania because he felt that Hitler was out showing Italy. is was the last straw for Chamberlain; he officially lost trust for Mussolini, who previously assured the sovereignty of the Balkans to be unharmed. L
  • Mussolini brought down by coup during WW II

    Mussolini was voted out of power and arrested immediately after his meeting with King Vittorio Emanuele. The Grand Council argued that he had brought Italy close to military disaster, alienated much of the population, and they proposed that power was transferred to the king.
  • Mussolini Killed

    Despite being in a disguise, people recognized him. Him and his mistress were shot down, then their bodies were defamed upon by citizens. This is important because it shows people literally turning against him