Apr 6, 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus
His work, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres, was published on this date and began the Scientific Revolution. It discussed astronomy. He created a heliocentric model of the universe. -
Apr 6, 1573
Tycho Brahe
He published On the New Star in this year. The work argued against the belief in an unchanging realm. He argued that comets and asteroids were only space rock, and not phenomonon. -
Apr 1, 1578
William Harvey
Harvey, born on the date above, was an English physician. He is well-known for his achievments in detialing the circulation of blood throughout the human body. -
Sir Francis Bacon
Sir Francis Bacon was kinighted on the date above. One of the many reasons for his fame was his inventon of the Scientifiic, or Baconian method. This provided a consistent pattern for experiments to be done. His death was famous due to contracting pneumonia from working with the effects of freezing on preserving meat. -
Johann Kepler
Galileo Galilei
He proposed a helio-centered universe model. He saw the moons of Jupiter. -
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton proposed the idea of gravity, laws of motion, and calculus.