Timeline for history

  • Missouri compromise

    Agreement making Missouri a slave state in turn for Maine being free.
  • Nat Turners rebellion

    A slave rebellion in Virginia led by Nat Turner that resulted in harsher slave laws.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Done to ease tensions. Included making Cali a free state and fugitive slave act.
  • Fugitive slave act

    A law that required escaped slaves be returned to owners, even if they make it into a free state.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe that depicted the harsh life of a slave and their struggles.
  • Kansas - Nebraska act

    Law that allowed Kansas and Nebraska to choose if they are free or slave which overturned the Missouri compromise.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    A series violent conflicts in Kansas between Pro and Anti slavery groups.
  • Brooks attacks Sumner

    Southern Congressmen Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner with a cane for his anti slavery speech
  • Lincoln - Douglas debates

    Lincoln and Douglas debates happen as they compete for Senate which gained Lincoln national attention.
  • Raid on harpers ferry

    Abolitionist John Brown led an attack on a federal arsenal in Virginia, hoping to start a slave rebellion, but he was captured and executed.
  • Jefferson Davis becomes President of Confederacy

    Davis was chosen as the leader of the Confederate States when Southern states seceded from the U.S.
  • Fort Sumter is attacked

    The first battle of the Civil War, when Confederate forces fired on a U.S. fort in South Carolina, forcing its surrender.