Timeline for histoire britannique

By ines24
  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    Henry VIII's reign

    During his reign Henry VIII had 6 wives: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Catherine of Cleves, Catherine Howard and Catherine Parr, his only goal was to have an heir son.
    He was first a Catholic but since the Pope refused to annul his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, he decided to be Protestant therefore separating himself from the Catholic Church.
  • 1517

    The Ninety-Five Theses.

    Martin Luther a German Monk decided to write a critique about Indulgences and the business that was created around them.
  • 1529

    The pope rejected Henry's petition for a Divorce.

    This event caused the separation with the Catholic Church.
  • Period: 1532 to 1537

    The authority and powers of the pope were transferred to the King.

    Little by little the King seizes the powers of the Pope and the Clergy all for himself.
  • 1533

    Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn

  • 1533

    Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon's wedding was annulled.

    King Henry VIII annulled his very own marriage.
  • 1533

    Act in Restraints of Appeals

    The King was able to annul marriages. Power that only the Pope had.
    Just to be able to annul his marriage with Catherine of Aragon.
  • 1534

    The Act Of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy: the king Henry VIII was made Supreme Head of the Church of England.
  • 1536

    The dissolution of monasteries from 1536 to 1541

    The monasteries were disbanded because they were considered bastions of popery, the crown then got all the lands and income of the monasteries.
  • 1536

    Pilgrimage of Grace

    Part of the population was against the dissolution of monasteries so they decided to protest. This event is referred as the Greatest rebellions.
  • 1537

    English Bibles over Latin ones.

    English bibles were mandatory in every churches.
  • 1547

    Edward VI became King of England.

    At only 9 years old, Edward VI became king which makes him a very young king.
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Edward VI's reign

    Edward VI's mom was Jane Seymour.
    As he became a king at a young age he could not rule by himself, his uncle Edward Seymour was his Lord Protector.
    Edward just like his dad was a Protestant.
  • 1549

    Book of Common Prayer.

    Revision of the mass-book. Led to a lot of changes such as the eradication of Roman Catholic practices, the clergy was allowed to get married.
  • 1553

    Death of King Edward VI

    At only 15, Edward VI died from tuberculosis.
  • 1553

    Mary I became the first Queen of England.

    After the death of Edward VI, Mary I took over and became the first Queen of England.
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Mary I's reign

    She was the daughter of Catherine of Aragon.
    She was a Catholic just like her mom.
    In only 18 months she restored Catholicism.
    She is called Bloody Mary because she caused the deaths of a lot of Protestants.
    Her husband was Phillip II of Spain, a Catholic.
    During her reign she was not liked by the population.
  • Period: 1555 to 1541

    Bloody Mary era as protestants were burned alive.

    People who dared to proclaim themselves as Protestants were burned alive in front of a crowd. At least 200 Protestants went to the stake.
  • 1558

    Death of Queen Mary I.

    She died of illness.
    The nation was against her, so they were pretty happy about her passing.
    Even her husband didn't seem to be so touched about her death.
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I became Queen of England.

    Became queen of England after 25 years of religious reforms, she had to stabilize the country and find some compromise to keep everyone satisfied.
    She was a queen for 45 years and unmarried during her entire reign.
  • Period: 1558 to

    Elizabeth I's reign.

  • 1559

    The Act of Supremacy.

    This act abolished the authority of the Pope and restored the authority of the queen over the church. She was made the supreme head of the church.
  • 1559

    The Act of Uniformity.

    The book of common prayers was made mandatory again, every parish had to use it, it was also mandatory to attend anglican services, if not, you were fined.
  • Period: 1563 to 1571

    The 39 Articles of Faith.

    3 important changes with these articles: a new ecclesiology, a new doctrine of Salvation and a new definition of sacraments of the mass.
    Plus, it sated the religious belief of the church.
  • 1569

    The Northern Rebellion.

    People were against religious reforms, they wanted to replace Elizabeth I with Mary, Queen of Scots.
  • 1570

    Regnans in Exelcis.

    The Pope decided to write a devastating critique about Elizabeth I. He called her "the so called queen" or even "a heretic favoring heretics". Almost allowing catholics to kill her as it would not be considered as a sin.
  • 1570

    Elizabeth I was excommunicated.

    The Pope decided to excommunicate Elizabeth I after he realized that she will not bring back catholicism in England.
  • 1571

    The Treason Act.

    The writing that the Pope published led to this new act. Treason for anyone to say that Elizabeth was not the true queen.
  • 1581

    The Act of 1581.

    It was forbidden to convert to Catholicism, if someone dared to convert, death penalty was the punishment. It was also forbidden to participate or to celebrate the Catholic mass and anglican services were mandatory.
  • The Babington Plot.

    Young catholics sworn to kill Elizabeth and to replace her with Mary queen of Scots. Through coded letters, they communicated with Mary, but the strategies were discovered as the letters were deciphered.
  • Execution of Mary, queen of Scots.

    After the Babington plot, Mary was punished for treason as she was apparently a part of this whole plot who was set to replace Elizabeth I with her.
    She was therefore executed.
  • The defeat of the Spanish Armada.

    The so great Spanish armada was defeated thanks to the great strategies of England and Elizabeth I.
    This was exactly what Elizabeth I needed to prove herself as a real queen who knew what she was doing for her people.