Timeline for american history

  • The U.S. Congress declares war on Spain

    The Action of 25 April 1898 was a minor single ship action of the Spanish–American War fought near Cardenas, Cuba, between the american torpedo boat USS foote.
  • First major battle between Spanish and U.S. Forces: U.S. Commodore Dewey and his Asiatic squadron defeat the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay in the Philippines.

    The Battle of Manila Bay; It was the defeat of the Spanish Pacific fleet by the U.S. Navy, resulting in the fall of the Philippines and contributing to the final U.S. victory in the Spanish-American War.
  • U.S. troops land in Cuba.

    On June 22, 1898, the first U.S. troops landed on Cuban land. For months, U.S. troops had been stationed in Tampa, Florida, the place Brigadier General William had chosen as the staging ground for eventual troop deployment to Cuba. Approximately, 25,000 U.S. troops were stationed in Tampa, which only had a population of 25,000 at the time. Tampa was chosen because of its close proximity to Cuba, its railroads, and its deep bay
  • U.S. forces defeat the Spanish at the Battle of San Juan Heights.

    The Battle of San Juan Hill; The victory at the Battle of San Juan Hill led directly to the surrender of Santiago on July 17, a crucial victory preceding the end of hostilities in August. Furthermore, it launched the career of Theodore Roosevelt and popularized the Rough Riders
  • U.S. forces destroy the Spanish Fleet off Santiago Bay, Cuba

    Battle of Santiago de Cuba; It was a naval battle that occurred on July 3, 1898, in which the United States Navy decisively defeated Spanish forces, sealing American victory in the Spanish–American War and achieving nominal independence for Cuba from Spanish rule
  • The U.S. and Spain sign the Protocol of Peace, ending hostilities between the two countries.

    The United States signed a cease-fire agreement with Spain that brought an end to the Spanish-American War. Spain agreed to grant independence to Cuba and hand over Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines to the United States
  • Clash near the Marco Polo Bridge, close to Beijing

    The triggering of the full-scale war with China that lasted until 1945 began with an obscure clash involving a Japanese unit on night man oeuvres near the Marco Polo Bridge southwest of Beijing on the night of 7–8 July 1937.
  • Germans launch offensive in the West

    Germany’s success in its subsequent seven-week campaign transformed the strategic situation in Europe. Victory led Hitler to a conviction of his own ineluctable success, and that of the Wehrmacht under his leadership
  • The Spanish surrender at Santiago.

    Santiago surrenders; The monument marks the site at which Spanish forces, led by Gen. Toral, surrendered Santiago de Cuba to U.S. forces, led by Gen. William Shafter, on July 17, 1898 during the Spanish American War
  • The Treaty of Paris is signed by representatives from the U.S. and Spain, ending the Spanish-American War.

    Treaty of Paris; It ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France, as well as their respective allies