Beginnings (Prenatal Development & Birth)
After talking to my parents about my prenatal development, I learned that I did not suffer from any complications. It was a "normal" developmental period as my parents put it, and I learned that I was actually born a couple days after my due date. My mother's labor and delivery of me lasted about 5 hours, until I was born at 3 a.m. on April 12, 1996. After I was born, my mother and I stayed in the hospital for about two days until we went home to begin my life. -
Period: to
Timeline Final Project
First Two Years
Biosocial: As I began my development through my first two years of life, my body changed a lot physically. My motor skills began to refine with each passing day. My movements consisted of touching, grabbing, and of course sucking.
Cognitive: With more and more exposure to different sounds, my langauge began to develop as well - mainly from hearing my parents and other family members speaking.
Psychosocial: My nonverbal/verbal social skills developed with family interaction. -
Early Childhood
Biosocial: Learning how to ride a bike exemplifies my biosocial development during this stage. It takes a degree of balance and strength to ride a bike.
Cognitive: I had not any type of formal education yet, but I remember listening to my aunt read her biology book to me. I learned informally at home.
Psychosocial: My emotions and social skills developed around my family and through my relationships with them. -
Middle Childhood
Biosocial: Throughout my middle childhood I played soccer for Wayne-Westland. I began to gain skill in the sport and muscle development in my body.
Cognitive: I entered elementary school during this stage which initiated my formal education through the public school system. I was able to thrive in this aspect of my life.
Psychosocial: I began to form more and more social relationships through school and in my soccer team. -
Biosocial: I experienced a lot of physical growth through puberty. I grew taller and stronger due to this stage and soccer.
Cognitive: I continued to excel in school, and I began to learn more about tougher subjects that were critical to my college and career goals (sciences), and I began learning Spanish.
Psychosocial: Struggled with social groups early on due to middle school pressures, but began to grow more comfortable and confident in myself as this stage progressed. -
Emerging Adulthood
Biosocial: Most of my physical growth from puberty has ceased, and I began dealing with the adjustment of not playing sports for school or on a team.
Cognitive: I am continuing my education at Wayne State University, and growing mentally and becoming more self-aware; I continue to learn Arabic and Spanish.
Psychosocial: I continue to develop my relationships with family and friends. I hope I am growing in terms of emotional intelligence as well. -
Biosocial: My body has reached its peak and has begun to deteriorate (possible problems with knee due to ACL surgery in adolescence).
Cognitive: Hopefully I am fluent in Arabic and Spanish, and during this stage my mental ability has also peaked. I am now hopefully raising my children and dealing with family pressures.
Psychosocial: I create relationships with friends within my medical career, my relationships with family and children continue to develop. -
Late Adulthood
Biosocial: In this stage my body will change dramatically. As my body continues to deteriorate, I plan to stay active in order to slow this deterioration and live healthier.
Cognitive: My cognitive abilities will also change during this stage. I plan to utilitze cognitive training programs in order to stay sharp in my old age.
Psychosocial: My family will hopefully continue to grow and I will have grandchildren. They will be the most important thing in my life as they always have. -
Before this stage occurs, I hope that I will be satisfied with how I lived my life. I work so hard right now so when I get to this point I won't feel regret. I want to leave behind a legacy as a doctor, husband, and father. My family is the most important thing to me, and I hope they will always remember me and what I've taught them.