Timeline Final Project

  • Beginnings (Prenatal Development & Birth)

    Born 2 weeks ahead of due date
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  • Girl Scout Daisy (grades K–1)

    Learnd about nature, science and explored the arts.
  • First Two Years

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    Psychosocial (social and emotional)

    Growing up I was very active in sports, Theatre camps and Community service.. By being involved in these programs, events helped me learn how to handle stressful situations and what to do if someone is going through a hard time how to be supportive.
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    Cognitive (Thinking)

    During Junior Great Books we learned how to enhance are learning skills. This helped a lot in elementary school. My study habits became better and my grades had risen. It's important that children are involved in programs that will help with there mental thinking process.
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    Junior Great Books

    Focus on increasing reading comprehension making friends and also how to tutor and mentor From grades K-12
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    Biosocial (physical)

    Being involved in Girl Scouts really helped with my involvement adn being active in school activities. I was on the swim team, Pom pon and Cheerleading squad.
  • Girl Scout Brownie (grades 2–3)

    Learned about teamwork, earned awards, field trips
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  • Girl Scout Junior (grades 4–5)

    Earning badges for community service, Camping, learning about sisterhood, self esteem and nurturing.
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    Early Childhood

    My mother had me involved in the community and in a lot of programs to teach me how important it is to be caring and develop an indepence and be able to guide those that may need additional support and guidance.
  • Girl Scout Cadette (grades 6–8)

    Volunteer work for the community, training camps, Mentor younger troops. Awards, new badges given. Camping
  • Early Childhood

  • Girl Scout Senior (grades 9–10)

    Learn about independence focus on long term goals, give advice and earn awards.
  • Graduate from High School

    Salem High School
  • Girl Scout Ambassador (grades 11–12)

    Encourage younger troops, mentor, guided and plan events to musuems, colleges, parks and ceremony. See all of the achievenments I made throughout my years
  • Spring Break Panama

    First trip away from parents with my friends
  • The big Move University of Tenessee

    Moved to Tennesse for college and to be closer to my first boyfriend.
  • Engaged

    One the happiest moments in my life Loving Tennesse
  • Broke off engagement

    Realized too young to be married we were eachother first love. struggled with what we wanted for our future.
  • Moved closer to home attended Central State University

    Historically Black University in Wilberforce OH
  • Went to school to become a pharmay technician

  • Met the Love of My Life Chris

    My heart just melts
  • Vegas trip with my boyfriend

    Birthday Extravaganza
  • 2015 My parents win the lottery

  • Getting my Jewelry company up and runninng

    My boyfriend makes an amazing webpage
  • Chris surprises me and ask me to marry him

    "If you like it then you better put a ring on it"-Beyonce.
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    My husband and I have went through so many stages from the time he asked me to marry him, deciding we were ready to raise a family, finishing college, starting my jewelry line, traveling abroad to help others and spending time with my family and friends this has been an amazing time of life watching my children grow into adults and being a proud mother and wife.
  • Graduate from College

  • Jewelry company finally making profit

  • My parents move to Hawaii

    Enjoying Life
  • Feeling of excitement

    Planning my wedding for May
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    Travel abroad and Help patients with illness and Mentor the youth

    Throughtout these years I recieved awards, I was in commercials, talk shows, newspapers and stayed humble and caring
  • Finally Fluent in French

  • Married

    Spectacular Wedding
  • My father sings at the Wedding

    Best memory I will ever have
  • Pure Joy

    We decided we are ready to start a family
  • Build a Toll Brother home

    My dream builder
  • My first Child

    It's A Boy!!
  • 2 week cruise in Europe

  • Visit my parents who live in hawaii

    Stay for a month with the kids
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    Achievements/ Cognitive

    Receiving plenty of recognition from my job, volunterring, family and friends. I fill as if I have set out to do what was planned and in the process I helped a lot of people and myself become stronger, motivated, caring and smarter.
  • My parents move in with my husband and I

    The hoem we built has inlaws quarters so my parents can relax and not worry about bills just enjoy their life.
  • Receive an Award for being an amazing mother, teacher and Nurse.

  • Travel Abroad

    Donate and help out at several hospitals and towns.
  • My second Child

    It's A Girl!!!
  • My husband I pay off his parents bills and home

    Until we move in his country I wanted his family to be comfortable too.
  • Son 1st day of school

    My Son's first day of Elementary school
  • Have a Appreciation dinner

    For my family, friends and past supervisors that have played a huge part in my life.
  • Disney World Trip with my husband and children

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    So much excitement. Traveling, awards, my niece is graduating college, my children are on the honor roll and my husband and I cannot be any happier.
  • My third Child-Twins

    Twins a boy and a girl
  • Throw my niece Kianna a huge party

    Graduated from college
  • My parents decide they want to live in Hawaii

    Purchase my parents a beautiful home in Hawaii where they had their honeymoon.
  • Learn sign language

    This has \been a goal of mine since I traveled abroad
  • My jewelry company is branching out to France

    My Jewelry company is opened
  • Start a Lupus Foundation

    Lupus runs in my family and I lost my favorite cousin from this disease
  • Named the Best Jewelry store in the World

  • Visit France and community service

    Volunteer for community service and also visit my jewelry company that was opened in 2028
  • Retire

  • MY first child graduates from High school

    Helping him pick out his dorm room items and helping him pack his bags. This is just as hard as it was his first day of school Having mixed emotions happy because he's excited. I'm so sad to see him leave.
  • My second child is off to college

    This is a little easier I know exactly what to buy. Plus I know my daughter will call more often than my son we keep in contact pretty much all day.
  • Period: to

    Focus on getting my children through college and saving for a home away from home

    My first child is going for his masters and the others are college. My husband is ready to move back home I am happy to make this move with him
  • Start to travel back and forth with my husband to find a perfect home where he is from

  • The twins are off to college

    Excited they decided to go to the same university I'm glad my children are so close.
  • Empty Nesters!!

    Fun times with my husband no children in sight. We have been planning are cruise and to go visit his family just the two of us so we can stay longer in his country for years before the twins graduated from high school.
  • Found our perfect house 2nd home

    Moved to my husband country and It's nice to see how happy he is back home
  • Period: to

    Traveling back and forth from my husband country to back home

    I get home sick so I travel back and forth
  • France-Trip

    Now that I am well fluent in french I travel and stay in Europe for 2 months and work on my book
  • Enjoying the retired life

    Traveling across the world while finishing up my book
  • Age 64 1 year being retired

    I have made many achievements throughtout my life and I decided to take sometime out for myself and reflecgt back on my years and accomplishments
  • Family Reunion for both side of the Family get together

    Myrtle Beach here we come
  • Invited to be a speaker for the charity

    I feel very honored to speak on behalf of the charity. I have been very supportive of for decades.
  • Make out my will

    I know it's late but I am just now taking the time to sit down and write out my will to my family.
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    France vacation

    Return home from france
  • My husband and I move back to America

    We are much older and want to live closer to our children and grandchildren
  • I go visit a bird sanctuary

    I visit and donate to rescuing injured birds and saving the birds that are near extinction.
  • Bike Marathon

    Even at the age of 83 I still have it riding in a bike marathon
  • Enjoy gardening with my great grandchildren

    I have 16 great grandchildren I am so pround of my children and grandchildren. I am glad to be able to see them
  • Daddy daughter Dance

    My husband goes with his great grand daughters he is so excited
  • My family throws a suprise party

    My family throws a surprise party for my husband and I when we return from mini vacation

    This is the year I reflect on even more accomplishments and I am so thankful.
  • I donate my books to a fine arts museum

    The top motivating books I donate to a museum
  • My husband I are skydiving

    Why not take a chance. I opened a fportune cookie and it said "No obstacles will stand in your way this coming week."
  • Period: to

    Knowing that I may not have many years left to live

    My husband and I are enjoying everyday and every moment together in out beautiful home. With our loving children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
  • My husband decides to sell his businesses

    Now that he 95 years old he wants to sell his business and give the profit to the children and grandchildren
  • I give all my rights of my company to my daughter

    My daughter and daughters get all my rights to myh jewlery company because they have the same passions and goals that I did.
  • Nursing home is not in the option

    My husband wants to hire someone to come and assist us in the home. I disagree and just have are family come and help. They are happy to and that way we can see them more often. :)
  • Planning funeral arrangements and updating the will

    The worst part of knowing that you are goignto pass away is thinking about loved ones and how will they cope with the loss. My husband I had a long talk and we do not want them to worry.
  • Relying on my family

    Now that I am much older I cannot get around like I used to and I am relying on my family for support and helping me around the house,
  • My Death

    At the age ofg 103 I died happily with my husband by my side He passed away beside me at the age of 105.
  • Death & Dying where you will predict your death year

    103 years old
  • Funeral

    What a turn out to for my husband and I funeral. We will be greatly missed and were loved by so many people.