
  • 1550

    Scientific Revolution

    ​The scientific revolution was the revolution where new scientific ideas rose and also fought between each other.
  • Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution was the revolution in which the dutchman named William of Orange, took ​England's throne of his father-in-law, James II.
  • Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment was the period of history (18th century) where philosophy and literature rose and many ideas of this were made.
  • Enlightenment Absolutism

    The Enlightenment Absolutism was the monarchy of the 18th century in Europe, where the monarchs were the most influenced people with enlightenment ideals, but maintaining their own powers.
  • Seven Years War

    Britain and France fought each other, Austria and the French fought each other. French had support from the American Indians​, this fight was basically occurring for the reason of taking control over colonies, disrespect of queens.
  • Stamp Act

    Britain forced newspapers and official documents to carry a stamp that could only be purchased, this was like a tax. Revenue stamps had to appear in every sort of publication, from legal and commercial papers to licenses. This was one cause of the American Revolution.
  • American Independence

    This happened because Britain spends money protecting France from enemies, and because France did not want to pay them back, Britain started giving sugar to France and in return, France gave money to Britain. France had an idea of​ making a Stamp Act which meant that for any tax or document had to have a stamp in order to give you the price.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Ships filled with tea-chests were raided by a bunch of English men dressed as​ Indians and the chests were dumped into the ocean.
  • First Continental Congress

    In response to British actions, the colonies organized the First Continental Congress in 1774. Its members urged colonists to form militias, it occured in Philadelphia.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Created the Continental Army. George Washington was its commander.
  • USA Declaration of Independence

    Thomas Jefferson made a declaration of independence to show the countries that the ​US was an independent place, by demonstrating on the way they wanted rights that could be for everyone equally.