
  • 1604

    problem: disease
    effect: aboriginals died
    cause: the europeans arrival brought new diseases
    solutions: they formed together and created strong economic, religious and military bonds
  • 1759

    problem: battle of the plains
    effect: british defeated the french and got control over north america
    cause: they both wanted control over north america
    solution: they fought and Great Britain renamed the colony the “Province of Quebec”
  • 1812

    problem: the U.S invaded candada
    effect: The War of 1812
    cause: Americans believed they could gain control of Canada
    solution: they fought till 1814
  • 1837-1838

    problem: democracy was slow
    effect: rebellion of 1837-1838
    cause: they all wanted power
    solution: rebels were hung and killed
  • 1867

    problem: they wanted a maritime union but people didn’t agree
    effect: lots of meetings
    cause: they needed a stronger union to intimidate the united states
    solution: they made confederation and that’s how Canada came to be