
  • Trench Warfare Started

    Trench Warfare Started
    When trenches were introduced to WWI, both sides made them. Trenches were great for defense but they even killed people. People suffered diseases while in the trench due to lice, rats, and the disgusting water they had to go to the bathroom in.
  • PTSD

    PTSD was a huge problem during the war. When someone experiences something scary or a near death experiences, they could sometimes be diagnosed with PTSD. PTSD gives people flashbacks or makes them go into outbreaks when something or even a sound reminds them of the war. This could even happen to someone while they are fighting in the war.
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  • The Spark Of WWI

    The Spark Of WWI
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed along with his wife on June 28, 1914 and was one of the main sparks that started WWI. His assassination sent off a chain of events, like Austria-Hungary, and many more.
  • The Christmas Truce

    The Christmas Truce
    The Christmas Truce was an unofficial truce made by the people fighting in the trenches. The Germans got up and ran into no mans land, into enemy lines singing carols and yelling "Merry Christmas!". The British thought it was a trick but they saw that the Germans were unarmed and came out with them. They were giving out presents like cigarettes and were even playing soccer.
  • Armenian Genocide

    Armenian Genocide
    The Armenian Genocide was a plan made by Turkish government to kill and deport all Armenians by 1920. By 1920, 600,000-1.5 million Armenians had been killed.
  • Poison Gas Introduced

    Poison Gas Introduced
    On April 26, 1915, poison gas was introduced by the Germans. The Germans fired over 150 tons of lethal chlorine gas, almost forcing the French lines to fall. It was used in other wars, but it was very risky as it could easily kill friendlies. When everyone began to dig trenches gas was the only way to fight them.
  • The Sinking of Lusitania

    The Sinking of Lusitania
    The Germans fired a torpedo into the British ship, the "Lusitania" and sunk it. Sinking the ship killed 1,128 people and 128 of them were Americans. The Germans sinking this ship set off a chain of events that ended in the U.S. entering the war, even after pledging to stay neutral.
  • Tanks Introduced to WWI

    Tanks Introduced to WWI
    On September 6, 1915, the first tank was introduced to WWI. Its name was "Little Willie", but it was always getting stuck because it was only a prototype. Once it was fixed up, it could drive through No Mans Land and survive everything hitting it at once. The first tan k during the war was a huge improvement for whoever had control of it.
  • The U.S Enters WWI

    The U.S Enters WWI
    The U.S President, Woodrow Wilson, pledged to stay out of the war when it started. During the war, Germany had started sinking our ships, angering Woodrow. Germany soon announced unrestricted warfare on boats and sunk many of the U.S ships. Once Germany sunk a ship killing 20+ Americans, and people started voting we opt into war, they opted in.
  • Captain E.M. Bill The Instructor

    Captain E.M. Bill The Instructor
    Bill was not pleased with the fact that he couldn't get a single shot off on the enemy. However, at Fort Monroe they were short on instructors and he earned a good reputation as a volunteer instructor.
  • Captain E.M. Bill

    Captain E.M. Bill
    When the Spanish Influenza hit, Bills officers were in what they called "Sick Bay". In 5 days the first man died, then many more followed.
  • The Spanish Flu Pandemic

    The Spanish Flu Pandemic
    The Spanish Flu had infected 500 million people, almost one third of the worlds population. 30-50 million people died, and everyone began to wear face masks. Schools and other business places were closed, as there was no vaccines at the time. The Spanish Flu had ended in 1919, everyone who was infected had either died or grown immune to it.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was a bill passed that ended WWI. Germany signed it out of protest and angered many people, even to the point that they wanted to kill them. German politicians were being assassinated left and right.