timeline 1

By camdyns
  • estabishment of British east India company

    This was created for and during the spice trade. it later expanded and traded cotton, silk, and teas.
  • gunpowder plot in england

    this was a failed assassination attempt on king james and the british parliament. its also called guy fawk's night
  • founding of James town vurgina

    this was the first British settlement in north America. this laid the groundwork for future colinization
  • pilgrims land at pylmouth rock

    this was completed by the transportation on the mayflower. this inspired the Thanksgiving traditional holiday.
  • thirty years war

    this was a religious war between Catholics and protestants. this resulted in the reshaping of the European map.
  • treaty of westphalia

    The Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War and marked a turning point in European history by establishing the concept of state sovereignty. It laid the foundations for the modern system of nation-states.
  • English civil war

    This series of conflicts arose between supporters of King Charles I (Royalists) and Parliamentarians. The war ultimately led to the execution of Charles I and the brief establishment of a republican Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell.
  • great fire of london

    The fire started in a bakery on Pudding Lane and raged for three days, destroying a large portion of the city. It led to significant rebuilding efforts and urban improvements, including fire safety regulations.
  • hudson's bay company founded

    by King Charles II, the Hudson's Bay Company became a key player in the fur trade in North America. It laid the groundwork for British economic interests in Canada and shaped the development of the region.
  • glorious revolution

    The Glorious Revolution saw the overthrow of King James II in favor of William of Orange and his wife Mary. It established a constitutional monarchy in England and solidified Parliament's role in governing.