Timeline Exercise

By wheelg
  • Francis Bacon "Of Envy"

  • Galileo "Dialogue on Two Chief World Systems"

  • Rene Descartes "Discourse on Method"

  • Period: to

    Correspondence b/w Descartes and Elizabeth of Bohemia

  • Thomas Hobbes "Leviathan"

  • Royal Society of London founded

  • Margaret Cavendish "A Blazing World" and "Further Observations on Experimental Philosophy"

  • Academie des Sciences founded

  • Cavendish appears before the Royal Society

  • Baruch Spinoza Tractatus Theologico-Politicus"

  • Baruch Spinoza "Ethics"

  • Period: to

    John Locke in exile

  • Rene Descartes "Rules for the Direction of the Mind"

  • Rene Descartes "Rules for the Direction of the Mind" published (drafted 1628)

  • Relations between Catholics and protestants become tense

  • Leibniz "Discourse on Metaphysics"

  • Period: to

    England's Glorious Revolution

  • John Locke "Letter Concerning Toleration"

  • English Bill of Rights

  • John Locke's "2 Treatises on Government" is licensed to be printed, published in 1690

  • William Dampier's "A New Voyage Round the World" published

  • Third Earl of Shaftesbury "An Essay upon the Freedom of Wit and Humour"

  • Josesph Butler "Upon Resentment"

  • George Berkeley "Alciphron"

  • David Hume "A Treatise of Human Nature" Pt I

  • David Hume "A Treatise of Human Nature" Pt II

  • David Hume "Of Love and Marriage"

  • David Hume "Of Essay Writing"

  • Emilie Du Chatalet "Discourse on Happieness"

  • David Hume "Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding"

  • David Hume "A Dialogue"

  • Mary Wollstonecraft "Mary: A Fiction"

  • Mary Astell "Some Reflections Upon Marriage" and "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"