Timeline Events that relate to other events between 1900-2019

  • Boston Massacre and Kent State shootings

    Both of these events involved killing a large amount of people.
  • Boston Tea Party and Montgomery Bus Boycott

    These two events relate to each other because in the Boston Tea Party they boycotted tea because of unfair taxes. In the Montgomery Bus Boycott people boycotted the bus because of Rosa Parks being treated unfairly by being asked to move to the back of the bus for a white man to have her seat.
  • Shot Heard Around the World and the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    They both stared major wars. Shot heard around the world started the Revolutionary War and the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started WWI
  • Declaration of Independence and Brexit

    Both events involve a nation withdrawing itself from another. The Declaration of Independence involves the United States withdrawing from England, the Brexit is when the United Kingdom withdrew itself from the European Union