
  • japanese invasion

    japanese invasion
    japan invaded china for its resources. and the sufferings of the war ingrained a hard survival mentality in the Chinese people.
  • fall of Paris

    fall of Paris
    Germany invaded France because the french were a threat. Paris ended up destroyed however after the war was over, Germany had to pay massive reparations to the french.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombed US Naval fleet on the coast of Pearl Harbor, because like Paris, we were also a threat to the Axis side of the 2nd world war.
  • D-Day

    the US and the French attacked German forces because we wanted to use the element of surprise and decrease their confidence. it did work however we lost a lot of soldiers in the attack.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    the Germans wanted to get back at Allied forces for D Day so they attacked. As a result, it was the last offensive attack from the Germans.
  • dropping atomic bombs

    dropping atomic bombs
    the US dropped bombs on japan in Hiroshima because of what they had done at Pearl Harbor. after a few rounds of bombs on different days they had surrendered to the US.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    victory in japan, they officially surrendered. as a result in marked another holiday know as Victor in Pacific Day.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    victory has been achieved, and the Germans officially surrendered. because Hitler committed suicide and without a leader, they were forced to give up. the day in history is now a holiday