First Book
I remember that the first book I had ever read was the Dr. Seuss book "Green Eggs and Ham". I couldn't really read it to well so my mom read it to me. -
I remember saying the entire ABCs for the fist time in preschool. I was the second person in my class to be able to say the entire ABCs. This was the first time I completely knew the ABCs. -
My First Video Game
The first video game I ever played was a Sponge bob game on the Xbox 360. Ever since I played that game I have played video games ever since. -
Watching Dad
I remember watching my dad work on cars all the time. He would teach me some of the parts in a car or boat. He thought me also how to fix parts on a car or a boat. -
Football Game
I remember the first football game that made me want to play. It was the New England Patriots vs the Kansas City Chiefs. I loved the game so much that I joined football afterwards. -
Mammoth Cave
I remember going to Mammoth Cave and seeing the beaut inside. Seeing the crystals hanging down was very cool. -
The Funeral
I remember seeing my great grandma in her casket at her funeral. Then I remember going to the cemetery to watch my grandma be put into her grave. -
I remember in my 7th grade class Mrs. Reinhardt made us do a PowerPoint. The PowerPoint was about the holocaust. I remember hating to go up t the board to present my PowerPoint. -
Myrtle Beach
I remember going to the beach down in Florida. We usually go to Florida every year. I remember seeing the waves wash up onto the shore. -
The Essay
I remember in 8th grade we had a big essay. This essay had to be 4 pages long. This essay was by far the hardest thing I had done in school.