90's Technology Timeline

  • Nokia

    Fredrik Idestam was the founder of Nokia but in 1992, Jorma Ollila became CEO and made telecommunications Nokia's sole concern. The nokia 1011 was the first mass-produced cell phone to hit the market paving the way for devices like the Iphone which has changed how we communicate today.
  • Playstation

    Ken Kutaragi was the founder of this gaming console. The playstation was released in 1994. This system was the first to become more in depth and realistic with its graphics. When the playstation first came out I think we knew that gaming could only get better with time.
  • DVDs

    In 1995 two groups of companies invented the DVD—one led by Sony Corporation and Philips Electronics NV and the other by Toshiba Corporation and Time Warner Inc. Once DVDs came onto the market it put a hault to the VHS world.
  • Google

    Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the founders of google. This search engine began to revolutionized how we utilize the internet in 1996. Google has became the go to for the world when it comes to searching for information.
  • MP3 Player

    A small Korean company created the MP3 player in 1998. This device put an end to portable CD players and revolutionized how we would listened to music forever.