
  • Identity versus identity confusion

    Matthew (14) had gotten his first girlfriend, who he liked very much. However, he felt a sort of attraction to his friend, Mike. He wasn't sure if he had the same feelings for his girlfriend that he did for Mike.
    In Erikson's fifth stage, identity versus identity confusion, the crisis occurs adolescence stage. This is the process of establishing a stable identity. If an individual is unsuccessful in the creating security in their identity, they could experience what is called identity confusion.
  • Intimacy versus isolation

    Matthew looked back on his time in 9th grade, and was proud that he made the decision to come out to Mike at the age of 19. Matthew and Mike are married at the ages of 26.
    In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, this crisis involves an individual who can decide to be vulnerable with another person. This creates room for healthy relationships. Or, they are unable to reach the standards of enough vulnerability for a healthy relationship, leading to an isolated life.
  • Generativity versus stagnation

    Matthew now wants to help younger people feel comfortable in the LGBTQ+ community. He works on the hotline for individuals trying to securely figure out who they are, so they are able to find love like he did.
    The seventh stage of Erikson's stage, Generativity versus stagnation, is the stage an individual goes through when deciding to help the younger generation succeed and helping others. However, attempting to fulfill your own needs and only your needs, can lead to stagnation.