Da bltz

Blitz on London

  • Hitler plans to bomb London

    Hitler plans to bomb London
    Hitler’s Luftwaffe is defeated by the RAF’s and is enraged by its bombing of German cities. So he decides to bomb RAF bases and communications networks to bombing Britains cities.
  • First attack on London

    First attack on London
    The attack was by accident. Luftwaffe bombers were actually aiming for military targets on the outskirts of London. But drifted off course and dropped their bombs on London. Pm Winston Churchill believed it was an attack so he ordered to bomb Berlin.
  • Retaliation of Britain

    40 British bombers managed to reach Berlin and inflict minimal property damage. This was the first time Berlin was bombed and soon they attacked another time.
  • Another British bombing on Berlin

    The second bombing raid resulted in Germans killed. On August 31, another attack occurred.
  • Period: to

    The Blitz

    A total of 18,629 men, 16,201 women and 5,028 children were killed with 18,000 tons of high explosives has been dropped on England during the Blitz.
  • Attack on Coventry

    Attack on Coventry
    449 German bombers dropped 1,400 explosive bombs and 100,00 incendiaries which killed 568 people, destroying countless buildings, leaving 1,000 critically injured.
  • Dropping incendiaries on churches

    Dropping incendiaries on churches
    The Germans dropped incendiaries which created firestorms which destroyed the area between St.Paul's Cathedral and the Guildhall, destroying many churches. Other landmarks damaged during the Blitz including the Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and the Chamber of the House of Commons.
  • German air raids killed 15,000 British civilians

    German air raids killed 15,000 British civilians
  • Planning to attack Britain’s maritime resources

    The German navy persuaded Hitler to attack Britain's maritime resources.
  • Period: to

    Bombing on Britain’s maritime resources

    There were 46 raids of ports by the Luftwaffe in Plymouth, Portsmouth, Bristol, Swansea, Merseyside, Belfast, Clydeside, Newcastle, and Hull but they still managed to function.
  • British defences improve

    British defences improve
    Antiaircraft guns and searchlights increased and were radar-controlled to improve accuracy. The problem of guiding interceptors to their targets was solved by the introduction of heavily armed Bristol Beaufighters with their own radar.
  • End of the Blitz

    The Blitz ended when Hitler tried to invade the Soviet Union. The Luftwaffe didn't have enough resources to do two wars and most aircrafts' were redeployed to the east.
  • Final raid by the Germans

    Final raid by the Germans
    Luftwaffe decided to do a raid against central London which has the highest casualties: 1,364 killed and 1,616 seriously wounded.
  • Climax

    The Blitz climaxed in May 1941, leaving 375,000 Londoners homeless.