2010 BCE
In the 2010's Reese's peanut butter cups all of company's offering, such as a bat shaped Reese's, Reese pieces =, and the Reese's fast break were huge in the 2010's. -
2000 BCE
Other notable candy from the early 2000's include berties Botts every flavor beans, Wonder balls, Squeeze Pops, Oreo Cakesters and Hershey kissables. -
1990 BCE
The candy that came out in the 1990's is not for the faint of heart. This was the decade that they invented sour version of everything. Sweet Tarts became Shock Tarts and Air Heads became War Heads. You can even find sour chewing gums and sour fun dip. Baby bottle pops were also popular in the 1990's. -
1980 BCE
By the 1980's, people had plenty of candy options but that didn't stop manufactures from creating more sugary treats. This Decade brought chewy sugar candies with unique flavors that ranged from fruity to tangy. The most popular types of candy to emerge were "Skittles", "Airheads", and "Sour Patch Kids", which many people consider their favorites today. -
1970 BCE
Our candies started getting scientific and experimental in the 1970's. We figured out that we could do more with texture than make things hard or gummy. The popularity of the Willy Wonka film inspired "Gobstoppers" to return a long with a slew of candies that we still know and love today, such as "Pop Rock", "Ring Pops", "Laffy Taffy", and "Blow Pops". -
1960 BCE
The 1960's Were all about color, And therefore The candy was all about sugar. A rainbow of colorful Candies was in demand to satisfy the generation of peace, love, and happiness, "Peeps" candy Necklaces, "Pixie Sticks", and "Starburst" are a timeless sweets from this decade that people still love. -
1950 BCE
Believe it or not the cycle of nostalgia began in the 1950's. People Were craving the candies from their childhood and wanted to share experiences with their children that they couldn't have while growing up due to the great depression . Manufactures Made new "Pez Dispensers" and revamped vintage candies like candy cigarettes, "Fire Balls", and "Lemon Heads". -
1940 BCE
Due to recent economic disparity and world war two, Food was rationed and Candy was not a priority in America or most house holds. Many candy making factories were forced to switch their operations to help advance the war, including that which made "MMs". These candies were popular in the summer of 1940 and beyond as chocolate sales often declined through the warm months. "Junior Mints", and "Jolly Ranchers" also came out in the 1940s. -
1930 BCE
In the 1930's there was slight changes in the way candies were made and marketed. This was the decade where candies two in one were made. Which gave people a better price for there money. Most people wanted to say their money And find nutrition where ever possible during the Great Depression. Popular candies that were made and popular in the 1930's were "Tootsie Pops", "sky Bars", "Red Hots," and "Life Savers" -
1920 BCE
the 1920's was a unique year for jazz and wall Street. since the lack of alcohol it inspired people to get candy and raised the candy sales. The popularity of nuts advanced chocolate sales and it made "Babe Ruth", Butter fingers" and "Reese's Cups". this decade also gave us "charleston Chews", "Bit-O-Honey", and "Wax lips". -
1910 BCE
candy 1910's
It is said that the first sweets were made from fruit pulp, honey and cereals. The candy popular and made in the 1910's was caramel and Hershey chocolates. caramel was popular because candy makers could make it into any shape and texture but than more and more people started to demand fore more chocolate. -
1902 BCE
candy 1900s
earlier the year in the 1900's the candy industry saw the rise as new manufacturing techniques made candy more accessible to the public. They later on found out to make mass produce of candy's from their influence from a new production of cars. later on the candy industry was than held to higher standard due to a food and drug act making them improve food safety -
swedish candy, is known for its unique flavors like salty licorice and super sour skulls, has exploded in popularity on TikTok 2024. The hashtag #swedishcandy Has garnered billions of views, with users "Swedish candy Hall" videos and reaction Tates.