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us history timeline

  • Missouri compromise

    Date?late 1819
    Who does the event involve? Missouri and maine

    What took place in the event?decider of a slave and free state
    Where did the event take place? The u.s.

    Why did the event take place?to keep the balance between
    How did this event impact history?it kept the balance in the government .
    Cause and effect..missouri became a free state and maine became a free state.
  • Period: to


  • wilmot proviso

    Who does the event involve?it involved the u.s.and david wilmot.
    What took place in the event? He wanted the new land acquired by mexico to not have slaves

    Where did the event take place?in the u.s. congress
    Why did the event take place?because he was republican and the republicans wanted to ban slavery
    How did this event impact history?.it persuaded the into thinking that the north could overthrow slavery
    Cause and effect.. and was one of the main fuelers to the civil war
  • comprimise of 1850

    Who does the event involve?it includes africa and the u.s.
    What took place in the event?the event abolished importing slaves
    Where did the event take place?the congress of u.s.
    Why did the event take place?because they were trying to get away from slavery
    How did this event impact history?it decreased slavery in america
    Cause and effect..after this comprise less slaves where in america
  • fugitive slave act

    Who does the event involve?slaves and slave owners

    What took place in the event?slaves that ran could be caught and had to be returned to their owner
    Where did the event take place?the united states of america
    Why did the event take place?because the slave owners wanted to keep all there slaves
    How did this event impact history?
    Cause and effect..this caused more revolts and run away slaves to be caught.
  • uncle toms cabin

    Who does the event involve?anti slavery Americans

    What took place in the event? It was a protest against slavery
    Where did the event take place?it took place all over the u.s

    Why did the event take place?because they thought slavery was wrong and they had to do something about it
    How did this event impact history? It made African Americans confident that they could get threw slavery and eventually it would end
    Cause and effect this made more people see how slavery was wrong
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Date?may 30 1854
    Who does the event involve? The congress of united states

    What took place in the event? It was so the territories of Kansas and Nebraska wanted slavery to be allowed in the territory
    Where did the event take place?Kansas,Nebraska,and u.s congress
    Why did the event take place?it was so they could repeal the Missouri compromise
    How did this event impact history?it banned slavery in part of the north
    Cause and effect..this act caused most of the north to not allow slavery
  • dred scott

    Who does the event involve?dred scott and u.s court

    What took place in the event? The freedom of dred scott
    Where did the event take place?u.s congress

    Why did the event take place?because by law dred scott was free but was not free at the same time
    How did this event impact history?it showed just how weird the law was.
    Cause and effect. dred scott was a free man but was sold back into slavery and this showed just how weird the law was and caused many more abolitionist movements
  • lincoln douglas debate

    Who does the event involve? Lincoln and Douglas
    What took place in the event? The issue of slavery in different territories

    Where did the event take place?u.s. senate

    Why did the event take place?so they could abolish slavery
    How did this event impact history?it made Lincoln a very influential speaker and famous.
    Cause and effect..this made Lincoln iconic and very poplar later becoming president.
  • john browns raid

    Who does the event involve? John brown and his soldiers

    What took place in the event? John brown led his men into multiple revolts to ban slavery
    Where did the event take place? In virginia at harpers ferry.

    Why did the event take place? Because john brown wanted to end slavery.
    How did this event impact history?even when john brown tried to cause a revolt no one joined him and he fell when he was invading an armory.
    Cause and effect. it did not really have a cause and affect .
  • Lincolns election of 1860

    Who does the event involve? Lincoln and hannibal

    What took place in the event? It was the debate for presidency
    Where did the event take place?in the u.s. government

    Why did the event take place?because we need a president to have a government
    How did this event impact history?Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president
    Cause and effect.. this was when Lincoln got elected and he made big moves to get rid of slavery.
  • southern cession

    Date? April 12, 1861
    Who It involves slaves, and Abe Lincoln was president during this.

    What took place in the event? 11 states joined together to make the confederate states
    Where did the event take place?the u.s.
    Why did the event take place?because the southern states wanted to keep slavery and the north didn't.
    How did this event impact history?it started a civil war between the confederate and union states
    Cause and effect..this caused the u.s. to gain a lot of land