Timeline Before and After Diary of Ann Frank

  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
  • Golden Gate Bridge

    Golden Gate Bridge
  • Hindenburg Disaster

    Hindenburg Disaster
  • Nazi Germany invades Poland; WWII begins

    Nazi Germany invades Poland; WWII begins
  • First fully automatic transmission

    First fully automatic transmission
  • Alien Registration Act

    Alien Registration Act
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Casablanca released

    Casablanca released
  • D-Day

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Diary of Anne Frank published/copyrighted

    Diary of Anne Frank published/copyrighted
  • Soviet Union Tests its first atomic bomb

    Soviet Union Tests its first atomic bomb
  • Germany divided into East and West Germany

    Germany divided into East and West Germany
  • Korean War begins

    Korean War begins
  • Colored TV introduced

    Colored TV introduced
  • Trumman signs peace treaty with Japan; offcially ends WWII

    Trumman signs peace treaty with Japan; offcially ends WWII
  • Car seatbelts introduced

    Car seatbelts introduced
  • DNA discovered

    DNA discovered
  • Disneyland Opens

    Disneyland Opens
  • Dr. Seuess Published The Cat in the Hat

    Dr. Seuess Published The Cat in the Hat