
  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    I was born on June 29th, 2005, at 9:25AM.
  • My Sister Was Born

    My Sister Was Born
    My sister, Caitlyn, was born on May 14th, 2008.
  • I Learned To Read

    I Learned To Read
    When I was 3, I learned how to read, write and speak and started to develop my basic language skills.
  • I Started School

    I Started School
    When I was 4, I started going to Kindergarten at Lakeshore Discovery Public School.
  • My Brother Was Born

    My Brother Was Born
    My brother, Andrew, was born on March 10th, 2010.
  • I Started To Learn Music

    I Started To Learn Music
    When I was 7, I started to play the piano and teach myself songs by ear. This was the start of my passion for music and lead to me learning multiple instruments and how to produce my own music.
  • I Got My Driver's License

    I Got My Driver's License
    When I was 16, I passed my driver's test. This marked the beginning of me becoming more independent, because I could go places on my own.
  • I Graduated From High School

    I Graduated From High School
    (In the future) In 2023, I will graduate from Tecumseh Vista Academy Secondary.
  • I Went To University

    I Went To University
    (In the future) After graduating from high school, I will go to university and study music.
  • I Won A Grammy For Music Production

    I Won A Grammy For Music Production
    (In the future) After school, I hope to become a professional music producer and sound engineer, and one of my goals is to one day win a Grammy award.