
  • Born in Ontario, Canada

    Born in Ontario, Canada
    The cohort of babies born from 1999 to September 11th 2001 are the last years to learn about 9/11 in school as a historic event they were alive for
  • The split

    The split
    A life event that changed everything, my parents breaking up.
  • The change

    The change
    This is an example of a role because as my dad met this other women, I became a step daughter and I was expected to respect her
  • The loss

    The loss
    My Bubba passed away, this life event caused a serious change in who I am
  • The School

    The School
    My cohort of friends changed dramatically when I transferred schools to attend DSBN Academy
  • Broken

    The day my mother got drunk and caused me to break my fingers was a role conflict because as a daughter I am expected to be there for my mother and have a relationship but I also have to protect myself.
  • Moving day

    Moving day
    Moving in with my dad after not living with him since I was two years old was a serious transition, I went from being a stranger to a daughter again
  • Graduation

    When I graduated grade 8 I experienced role set because all of my friends have become a big part of my life
  • The unexpected

    The unexpected
    When my mothers boyfriend died it changed everything, the norm of how an adult is expected to act changed for her and she started to drink and turned into an unexpected version of herself.
  • Wanikita

    The day I started dating my boyfriend changed my status because I went from being just me to being seriously involved with another person
  • The Niece

    The Niece
    The social institution of the hospital helped my sister bring a healthy baby into the world
  • Application

    When I applied to University I felt role strain because it was very stressful to plan the rest of my life while being in the 12th grade
  • The Nephew

    The Nephew
    The social institution of the hospital again two years later helped my sister when she unexpectedly went into labour