My Life

  • Who I am

    Who I am
    My name is José david gómez galvis, I am sixteen years old now
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born in Bogotá in the year two thousand and two.
  • my first studies

     my first studies
    in the year two thousand
    My six began my studies at Caritas Felices.
  • my first Pet

    my first Pet
    At the age of five I had my first pet called Phyto
  • Period: to

    My studies

    In the year two thousand
    eight I went to the school Vista bella to complete my Primary and secondary
  • my first Travel

    my first Travel
    I was accompanied by my family to visit Cartagena and see the sea.
  • my second pet

    my second pet
    I was adopting my little Pili dog
  • My second travel

    My second travel
    We went with my family to know the Tayrona Park
  • Period: to


    I began my study In the San Gabriel School where I meet 10th grade
  • transfer to Cajica

    transfer to Cajica
    I moved to Cajicá with my family and I had to leave College VISTA BELLA