Timeline Assignment Part 1

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    One of the treaties that resulted from the Paris Peace Conference. The Treaty of Versailles was a document that laid out peace between Germans and the allies that imposed a 14-point plan for lasting peace. It had heavy restrictions on German such accepting sole responsibility for starting the war and limiting their military. One of the reasons Germany desired revenge.
  • The League of Nations Meet

    The League of Nations Meet
    League of Nations first meeting of all founding 42 countries, after the league was first created on June 28th, 1919. League designed for lasting peace but achieved less than that as it did not accept all different countries and had no way to impose it's decisions based on having no military force.
  • Germany Grows Bitter

    Germany Grows Bitter
    Germany suffers from the great depression and is still bitter from "war guilt" clause and the payment in reparations.
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    Hitler Comes to Power
    Adolf Hitler comes to power and leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, also known as the Nazi.
  • Russia Embraces Communism

    Russia Embraces Communism
    In 1922, Russia joins with other communist countries to form the Union of Soviet Social Republics (U.S.S.R.). Stalin's ruthless dictatorship robbed the Soviet people of their political and social freedoms and led to the deaths of millions of people.
  • Mussolini Takes Power

    Mussolini Takes Power
    Benito Mussolini establishes the Facist Party in Italy and creates the Blackshirts gang that attacked communists and socialists. After losing the election to become prime minister, he marches to government with 26,000 Blackshirts members and demands that it be turned to him. After taking the government, Mussolini turns Italy to a totalitarian state.
  • Stalin's Soviet Union

    Stalin's Soviet Union
    Stalin, leader of the Communist Party now had total control of the Soviet Union. He was the sole dictator in the Soviet Union that eliminated anyone to be a threat to the communist government or his rule.
  • Prelude to War

    Prelude to War
    The economic crisis in 1930s resulted in instablility around the war. This instability was the breeding ground for dictators who gave solutions and hope for desperate people. Expanding land and ambitions led to a global conflict.
  • Totalitarian in Japan

    Totalitarian in Japan
    Japan develops the totalitarian attitude in 1930s. Japan had a strong sense of nationalism and and was loyal to only the emperor. Created their own violent police force and killed anyone considered a threat. Started conquering other countries for more power and resources.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    Due to Japan's thirst for power and expanding territory, it invaded Manchuria in China. Chinese government pleaded for the assistance of leage of nations, however, the league was helpless to do anything. Japan withdrew from the league and continued its invasion.
  • The Master Race

    The Master Race
    The Germans believed they were a pure and master race of northern europeans. Jewish, slavs, mental/physical disabled and homosexuals were considered undesirable. Launched Kristallnacht, a coordinated attack against Jewish people and their property on November 9, 1938. Also sent them to concentration camps to isolate and oppress, even killing them.
  • Hitler's Imperialistic Ambitions

    Hitler's Imperialistic Ambitions
    Hitler intended to make Germany a powerful nation again. He ignored the Treaty of Versailles and built a large and strong military force and intended on taking back the land that he believed still belonged to Germany.
  • Italy Invades Abyssinia

    Italy Invades Abyssinia
    Italy wanted to expand it's territory like Germany and attacked Abyssinia. The League of Nations voted to impose trade sanction against Italy, but it was not effective because of oil, a crucial import for Italy was not included in the sanction and the league hoped for Italy's support if there was a war against Germany.
  • Appeasing Hitler

    Appeasing Hitler
    Hitler ordered his troops into Rhineland, an area that was supposed to be under French protection by the Treaty of Versailles but Britain and France did nothing. Germany took over Austria 2 years later and Britain and France did nothing again, but this only made Hitler bolder. Hitler promised to take Sudetenland in exchange to not invade Czechslovakia, but 6 months later, he went against his word and took it. Appeasement had failed.
  • Fascism in Spain

    Fascism in Spain
    Francisco Franco led the fascist rebels, called nationalists, and attempted to overthrow the social government. Civil war initiated and due to the assistance of Hitler and Mussolini, other totaliarian leaders, he won the war and became the totalitarian ruler of Spain in 1939.
  • Failure of The League

    Failure of The League
    The league of Nations was not effective in preventing the agressions in the world. It was unable to keep peace due to it being too weak and have no army of their own.
  • Canada's Policy of Isolationism

    Canada's Policy of Isolationism
    Canada practiced isolationism, keeping out of the affairs in war. Canada just got out of depression and King didn't want it in another war.
  • Germany's Final Solution

    Germany's Final Solution
    To imprision and kill all of the Jewish people. This was soon to be known as the holocaust. They were sent to concentration camps and were terrorized and beaten.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact
    An agreement that Germany and Soviet Union not attack each other. They both agreed to divide Poland between themselves, meaning Hitler was free to attack.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland but this time Britain and France respond immediately. Britain and France demanded Germany out of Poland by September 3, 1939. When Hitler ignore, Britain and France declared war on Germany.