Timeline Assignment

  • Birth

    I was born in Guangdong, China on October 30th, 2004.
    Social roles: daughter, granddaughter, niece, cousin
  • New member in the family

    My brother was born on June 13, 2007 in Canada
    Social role: sister
    Social institution: family
  • Immigration to Canada

    I immigrated to Canada with my mom and brother and continued grade 1 in Highgate Public School.
    Social role: student
    Life event: adapting to a new environment and lifestyle
  • Moved from Highgate P.S. to Willam Berczy P.S.

    I moved houses so I had to move schools as well.
    Social role: student
    Life event: had to say goodbye to all my friends and adapt to a new school environment all over again
    Social institution: school
  • Graduated William Berzcy P.S. to Unionville H.S.

    Social role: student
    Transition: elementary school student to high school student
    Role strain: stress from being a high school student
    Cohort: people my age are also experiencing similar things of going into high school for the first time
    Life event: going into high school has a significant impact to my life
    Social institution: school
  • Moved from Unionville H.S. to PETHS

    I moved houses again so I had to move from UHS to PETHS.
    Social role: student
    Transition: UHS student to PETHS student
    Life event: saying goodbye to my friends at UHS and having to adapt to a new school environment all over again
    Social institution: school
  • Covid and online school

    Social role: online student
    Transition: in person student to online student
    Life event: had to adapt to a new learning platform of online learning and live in isolation
    Cohort: all the students were experiencing the same things of isolation and online school
  • Period: to

    First job at Machi Machi (Aug - Dec)

    Social role: part time employee
    Role conflict: stress from trying to manage time for all my roles as an employee, student and friend
    Life event: taught me important personal and life skills
    Social institution: bubble tea store
  • Applying for universities (Oct - Dec)

    Social role: student
    Cohort: many of the grade 12s are also stressed about post secondary choices
    Social institution: university
  • Graduating high school (June)

    Transition: student to adult
    Life event: becoming an adult means more responsibilities have to start facing the "real world" problems
    Cohort: most of my peers and other grade 12s will be experiencing the same thing