Timeline APUSH Activity Anders Kikut

By 1188839
  • Date of Birth

    This was the day that I was born in Charlotte.
  • Said First Word (Ball)

    Passed the big baseball water tower off of i77, and first said the word ball.
  • Learned to Walk

    I first learned to walk in Charleston, South Carolina at my grandparents in the summer of 2003.
  • Started Preschool

    I first started pre-school when I was 3 years old in the fall of 2005.
  • First Time Going to Norway

    My father, as an original citizen of Norway have living there until he was 20, this was my first time going to see his homeland and family.
  • First organized Sports Team/Lacrosse

    My first time playing a sport which I loved, Lacrosse.
  • Learned to Swim

    My first time learning to swim with my grandparents in Charleston, South Carolina.
  • Started Elementary School

    First starting Elementary School (Lower school), at pine lake prep.
  • First Professional Sports Game/ Padres

    I was visiting my aunt and uncle in san diego california, and went to a padres game (MLB) . Most amazing thing which I had witnessed at that age.
  • First Surgery

    Sadly, I was born with a small freckle on my eyeball and had to get it removed because it had potential for cancer. I was very nervous.
  • First Trip to the Caribbean

    My family and I first visited the Caribbean (U.S. Virgin Islands), in the summer of 2009 and we have gone back every year since.
  • First Cavity

    First cavity filling and my parents were very disapointed, haven't gotten another since.
  • First Time Playing Tackle Football

    First time playing tackle football organized through SouthLake Christian Academy. Was a quarterback.
  • 10th Birthday

    This was a very big time for me, because I was finally in the double digits and decided to have a Carolina Panthers birthday.
  • Started Middle School

    First started Middle school at Pine Lake Prep and was very nervous to be around bigger kids.
  • Tore Meniscus and ended Basketball Career

    In 8th grade during middle school basketball, I collided with another playing tearing my meniscus and ending my basketball career forever.
  • Started High School

    Starting high school at Pine Lake Prep was very difficult because I was very young and tiny compared to most kids.
  • Game Winning Lacrosse Goal Vs. Csd

    With 15 seconds left in the game, I netted a shot and put the pride up 9-8.
  • First Concussion

    I received my first concussion in the spring of 2018, during a lacrosse game vs Mooresville High school. I tripped and smacked my head on the turf while blacking out.
  • Obtained Drivers License

    This was when I first got my drivers license on April 20, 2018.
  • First AP Exam (APES)

    Took my first AP Exam sophomore year of high school and was very nervous. Luckily, I received college credit!
  • Present Day

    The day I made this timeline.