kite runner and the history of afghanistan

  • Mohammed Dad becomes President

    Mohammed Dad becomes President
    The previous kings, Zahir Shah, cousin, Mohammed Daud, overthrows him and turns his monarchy into a republic.
  • Hassan Defends Amir

    Hassan Defends Amir
    In chapter 5 as Amir and Hassan climb their favorite tree, Assef goes up to them and threatens to beat Amir up with his brass knuckles. During this moment, Hassan stands up to Assef and threatens him back with a slingshot with the hopes if protecting Amir.
  • Khan Proposes New Constitution

    Khan Proposes New Constitution
    President Khan proposed a new constitution to the people of Afghanistan that grant women their rights and tries to modernize communist states.
  • Amir Wins the Kite Running Contest and Later on Hassan Gets Raped

    Amir Wins the Kite Running Contest and Later on Hassan Gets Raped
    Amir wins the kite running contest and for the first time feels as if he truly made baba proud. Later on, as Hassan promised he would, Hassan runs off to fetch Amir the blue kite when Assef and others approach him. Assef rapes Hassan and when Amir found them he stood there watching.
  • Ali Dies

    Ali Dies
    Ali, Hassan father, was killed by a land mine
  • Rahim Khan Finds Amir

    Rahim Khan Finds Amir
    Rahim Khan finally finds and reaches out to Amir after spending time trying to find him.
  • Baba Dies

    Baba Dies
    Baba dies shortly after Amirs death due to cancer
  • Osama bin Laden forms the group al-Qaida

    Osama bin Laden and 15 others form the group al-Qaida to continue their holy war against the Soviets
  • Pakistan, Afghanistan, The Soviet Union and The USA Sign an Agreement

    During this time the named countries sign an agreement in Geneva after years of painstaking efforts to end one of modern history worst conflicts
  • Amir Publishes His First Novel

    Amir Publishes His First Novel
    Amir finishes and publishes his first novel in summer of 1988.
  • Hassans' First Son was Born

    Sohrab, Hassans first son was born.
  • Northern Alliances Took Over Kabul

    From 1992 to 1996 the northern alliances took over Kabul
  • Sanaubar Dies

    Sanaubar Dies
    Sanaubar died peacefully in her sleep but Hassan and Sohrab took her death hard.
  • Shorawi Defeated

    The Shorawi were defeated and Kabul then belonged to massed which led to many wars
  • Hassan and Farzana are Killed by the Taliban

    Hassan and Farzana are Killed by the Taliban
    Hassan and his wife were murdered by the Taliban when Hassan tried to argue that they were only taking care of Babas house. The Taliban dragged him out of the house and made him kneel down and shot him behind his head, Farzana rushed out hearing the chaos and she too was shot.
  • Amir and Sohrab Arrive in San Francisco

    Amir and Sohrab Arrive in San Francisco
    Amir and Sohrab arrive in San Francisco after dealing with Sohrabs suicide attempt