timeline and altitude

  • Residential Schools

    Residential Schools
    The Indian Act of 1920 was when first nations were forced into residential schools where they were stripped of their culture and turned into a blank slate. From there they were taught “the canadian ways”. These schools were open from 1883 to 1996, the objective was to help introduce the “indians' ' into Canadian society, as the years passed the schools drifted from their objective.
  • Model T

    Model T
    The model T was a universal car invented in 1908 by henry ford. It changed the transpostatinal world as it was the very first affordable car, worth only 975$ dollars at the time. Model T peaked during 1908 to 1927 as other cars were very expensive, its popularity died down after other companies started to make affordable cars.
  • Flappers

    (+1) Flappers were young women who bent the society's norms. They drank , smoked and definitely did not act very ‘lady like’. Though people looked down on flappers they did give women more freedom and control of their lives. Flappers originated in Great Britain in 1920 and slowly spread to their countries, like canada. All flappers wanted was economic, political and sexual freedom.
  • Insulin !!

    Insulin !!
    (+3) Insulin was created by Sir Frederick G Banting , Charles H Best and JJR Macleod at the University of Toronto . Insulin helps control your blood sugar levels and metabolism , it was used on type1 diabetics. Banting had an odd idea of extracting the internal section of a pancreas to help treat diabetes, this shockingly worked. The discovery of insulin has saved millions of lives worldwide and also gave a good reputation to UofT.
  • Dust bowls

    Dust bowls
    (-2) In the 1920s there was an extreme drought that affected Western Canada but mainly Alberta.
    There was no moisture left in the ground causing it to crack and turn into dust. Dust storms were highly common in the 20s because of this. The dry warm climate was perfect for insects like grasshoppers to thrive. They started repopulating like crazy , soon enough buildings ,fields , you name it and it was covered with grasshoppers.
    The drought ended in 1926, after 5 years
  • Talkies

    (0) Talkies were created by the Warner Brothers in the late 1920s. Cinemas used to have sound but after talkies were invented there was a synchronised audible dialogue, making them more enjoyable. Talkies peaking in the late 1920 to the 1930s, there used to be quite a few talkies around in Canada, mainly located in Ottawa and Toronto.