My grandfather hunted a dier
My grandfather go to Brazil
My grandmother ride a horse
My grandfather created a car workshop
My grandfather built a car wash machine
My grandfather got married
My grandmother got married
My grandmother had his firts kid (my aunt)
My grandfather had his firts kid (my father)
My grandfather got his last kid (my aunt)
My grandmother had her last kid (my mother)
Father firsts communion
My father started to work
My father bought his firt car
My father visited Paris to saw the final of Recopa de Europa (Zgz-Arsenal)
My grandmother go to Italy
My grandmother's husband died
My grandmother stopped work
My father got married whit my mother
My father got me
My father got his second kid (my sister)
My sister go to the snow for first time
My grandmother go to Paris
My father travelled to NY with my mother
My sister go to Dublin with one friend
My sister go to the Prado museum
My grandfather has been married for 50 years
Sister's comunnion
My sister go to Cordoba
My sister started secundary school