china/japan project

  • 100

    traders and missionares brought buddhism from india to china

    traders and missionares brought buddhism from india to china
  • 100

    chinese buddhist brought buddhism from china to korea

    chinese buddhist brought buddhism from china to korea
  • 220

    china and the han dynasty falls

    china and the han dynasty falls
  • 552

    buddhist spreads to japan

    buddhist spreads to japan
  • 581

    china got an emperor

    china got an emperor
  • 600

    Wu rules china

    Wu rules china
  • 600

    chinese monks began wood blocking

    chinese monks began wood blocking
  • 1000

    chinese printer solves problem by inventing a movable printer

    chinese printer solves problem by inventing a movable printer
  • 1150

    china builts large ships

    china builts large ships
  • 1200

    they became the first non-chinese people to rule china

    they became the first non-chinese people to rule china
  • 1211

    mongol horseman invade china

    mongol horseman invade china
  • 1227

    ghengis khan died

    ghengis khan died