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Timeline about Thomas Alva Edison

  • Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in the United States

    Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in the United States
    Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, scientist, and businessman. Developed many devices that have had great influence around the world
  • Edison and Franklin Pope offered their services as electrical engineers, a specialty unknown at the time.

    Edison and Franklin Pope offered their services as electrical engineers, a specialty unknown at the time.
  • He worked for the Western Union telegraph company as an inventor and repairman, although he soon became independent.

    He worked for the Western Union telegraph company as an inventor and repairman, although he soon became independent.
    Edison moved from Newark to Menlo Park, New Jersey, where he assembled a group of helpers and mechanics and established an invention factory.
  • In 1877 he made one of his most important inventions, the phonograph.

    In 1877 he made one of his most important inventions, the phonograph.
    El fonógrafo fue el primer dispositivo más común para grabar y reproducir sonidos desde la década de 1870 hasta la de 1880.
  • In 1879 managed to create his first light bulb to glow for 48 hours straight.

    In 1879 managed to create his first light bulb to glow for 48 hours straight.
    Although he is credited with the invention of the incandescent lamp, he actually only perfected it.
  • Partners with J.P. Morgan to found Edison Electric. Later, J.P. Morgan would acquire his shares to create General Electric.

    Partners with J.P. Morgan to found Edison Electric. Later, J.P. Morgan would acquire his shares to create General Electric.
  • Discovered the Edison effect

    Discovered the Edison effect
    It consisted of the passage of electricity from a filament to a metal plate inside an incandescent lamp globe.
  • Edison started the so-called "patent war"

    Edison started the so-called "patent war"
    Edison started the so-called "patent war" with the Lumière brothers in connection with the invention of the first motion picture machine.
  • In 1897 Edison invented the kinetoscope

    In 1897 Edison invented the kinetoscope
    the first device that allows the visualization of moving images: the kinetoscope.
  • Thomas Alva Edison passes away at 84

    Thomas Alva Edison passes away at 84