The making of the telephone
The telephone has changed a lot over time from old to new. Alexander graham bell made the first telephone ever on March 1st, 1876. -
From 1920 to now the telephone has only sky rocketed to be a multi million dollar company and invention.
By 1920 about a third of all U.S. households had a telephone; that share increased to nearly two-thirds by 1950 and topped 90 percent by the early 1980s. In the early 1990s (though well before the explosion in the popularity of cell phones) there were more than 180 million telephones in the United States alone. -
Text messaging development.
Short messaging service (SMS) was developed in the United Kingdom in the late 1980s, the first text message was sent on Dec. 3, 1992. An SMS commercial service was launched in the United Kingdom in 1995. Text messaging did not take off, however, until it became possible to send messages between the four main British cellular telephone networks in 1998. -
Cell phones today
Now today telephones are a lot different then they were in 1876. Now we have cell phones that we can carry in our pockets. We can text people. We can even take photos on them. Telephones and cell phones have changed a lot and impacted a lot on are lives some great some not so much.