Timeline about my life.

  • When I was born

    This was the day I, Maxwell Dubner was born. I was greeted by my parents and siblings
  • When I started kindergarden

    This was my first day of kindergarten, I cried a lot and made my dad be late to work because I wouldn't stop crying.
  • Went to summer camp for the first time ever

    I went to summer camp for the first time ever, it was a science camp I remember it being pretty fun.
  • Went to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon.

    I got to see the Grand Canyon which was an amazing and fun experience.
  • First day at Grandview

    This was my first day at Grandview which is still the school I go to now.
  • Graduated 5th grade

    This is when I finished elementary school and began middle school.
  • Going too Hersheypark

    I went to Hersheypark with my family, this trip was very fun
  • First day of middle school.

    This was my first day of middle school.
  • Seeing my cousin Harper for the first time.

    My cousin was born very shortly before this so it was amazing to see her as such a young baby.
  • Present day

    This is the present day.