Franz Ferdinand assassination.
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand sparked WWI, on June 28th, 1914. Gavrilo Princip a Serbian novelist from Serbia, was visiting Austria at the time. Gavrio wanted independence for his country, his people and him didn't want to be controlled by a foreign power like Austria. The death of the Austrian heir, caused Austria to declare war on Serbia, a month later. . -
Countries declare war upon each other.
Germany and Russia get involved with Austria and Serbia´s war. Russia came to defend Serbia from Austria, causing Germany to join the war because they had an alliance with Austria. Germany knew France would aid Russia, on August 3rd, Germany invades France and Belgium, opening a two front war. Britain gets involved as well, declaring war on Germany and Austria. On August 4th, WWI officially begins. -
The Battle of Tannenberg.
On August 26-30, the battle of Tannenberg was the first battle between the Germans and Russians during the first month of WWI. The war was a victory for the Germans, but for the Russians, it was suicide. The Russians casualties were higher than the Germans, even with more soldiers. The battle almost caused the death of their commander, Alexander Samsonov. -
The Battle of Verdun begins.
The battle of Verdun was one of the longest and largest battles during WWI. The battle was also one of the most brutal battles during WWI. France and Germany suffered 337,000 with both countries casualties combined. The war was one of the major battles due to its casualties in WWI. It's important because after months of fighting, the French won the battle. -
Italy declares war on Austria.
Italy declared war on Austria but did not declare war on Germany instead. Eventually months later, Italy did declare war on Germany. Italy wanted to stay neutral, but later into the war, Italy went from the Allied powers to the Central powers. Italy was another country that joined the war, causing it to become worst and adding more conflict. -
The Battle of the Somme.
The battle of the Somme, also known as ¨Somme Offensive¨, was one of the biggest and bloodiest battle in WWI. The battle of the Somme resulted in great results for the British and French. The British got their first successful offensive, and the French had less casualties than the British. Leaving the Germans weak from the powerful attacks they done. -
The Zimmerman Telegram.
The Germans sent a Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico. Germany wanted an alliance with Mexico, but Mexico refused since they were no match for the U.S. Germany promised Mexico to help them gain their lost land to U.S., if they joined their alliance against the Central powers. The British decoded the message, the telegram lead to the point where U.S joined the war. -
U.S. declares war on Germany.
The U.S. enters the war and declares war on the Central powers. U.S. wanted to stay neutral, but when Germany sent a Zimmerman telegram to Mexico on January 11th, 1917, and wanted Mexico to fight them, along with the unrestricted submarine warfare Germany did. The U.S was ready to join WWI. When more powerful countries join the war, the more difficult it gets and the longer it will last. -
The Battle of Cambrai.
The battle of Cambrai was the bloodiest battles during WWI. The battle of Cambrai is one of the important battles because it was the first successful tank attack from Britain. Also it was the first time tanks were used by Britain. Cambrai was an example of how to plan a good attack against the enemy. -
President Wilson issued his Fourteen points for peace.
President Wilson's issues his fourteen points for peace, hoping to help end the war. The points were a statement for nations in the war, to end fighting. The fourteen points are important because after the war, the points were used to help prevent another war. The points were one step closer to help countries make peace. -
Russia and Germany made peace.
Russia and Germany finally made peace with one another after four years of fighting. Russia and Germany were the first powerful countries to join WWI. Russia was defending Serbia and Germany was helping Austria, due to their alliance. Seeing two powerful countries make peace, encourages other countries to make peace, as well. -
Henry Edwin Kunath enlistment.
On June 8th, 1918, Kunath is enlisted to the war. Kunath explains how he was enlisted without volunteering. Kunath has no desire to be involved in the war. It's important to know how someone feels on the first day and any first impressions they had, because it's the beginning of their journey to the war. -
The Battle of Amiens.
The battle of Amiens began August 8th-12th, 1918. The battle of Amiens, also known as the Hundred Days Offensive, is important because it lead to the end of WWI. It was also the turning point that lead to the race to the sea. The Allied powers won the battle which lead them to bring WWI to an end. -
Kunah at Camp Merritt, New Jersey.
Just before the battle of Cambrai ended, British forces captured the city of Cambrai. At this time Kunath was in New Jersey, Camp Merritt. He was getting a new uniform and the last final inspection before leaving. He explains how four people were killed for trying to leave the camp. Kunath writes to his mother that he has to pass in order to go overseas, and his sure he will pass. -
Kunath arrives to France.
Kunath travels in a transport to France, after going from camp to camp. After going from Camp McArthur, Texas to Camp Merritt, New Jersey. In his letter he assures his mother that he arrived safely. In France, Kunath arrives with a home friend, Arthur Huebner. -
Kunath is somewhere in France.
Kunath is in France, the location is unknown. Kunath was told on October 13th, the war was over, but he stayed in
France. Kunath returns to camp to continue his training. Around this time, Britain is taking German prisoners and the second battle of Belgium ends. -
Turkey and Austria made peace.
Turkey and Austria finally made peace with one another. Seeing Germany making peace with Russia, encouraged Austria and Turkey to make peace. If there was no Central powers fighting anymore, the war would end, and it did. Days later, the Central powers wanted to stop fighting. -
Kunath during the armistice.
During at this time, Kaiser Wilhelm II decides to abdicate, and on that day Kaiser Wilhelm is set for exiled. On November 10th, Germany is negotiating an armistice with the Allied powers. Kunath wrote in his letter on this day, the weather was sunny and perfect, what a coincidence because Germany wanted to end fighting. Since it's been raining for the past week, he was happy to see sunshine and Kunath assures his mother his doing well. -
The official date of the end of WWI.
The Central powers were tired of fighting and fighting and couldn't take it any longer. On the 11th mouth of the 11th day at 11am, Germany signed the armistice, an agreement to stop fighting. The armistice was signed at Compiegne, in France. Even though hostiles were still hostiles, the armistice eventually stopped the fighting between the Central powers and Allied powers. -
The Treaty of Versailles.
5 years later on the same date Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, a peace treaty was issued in the Palace of Versailles, near Paris. The treaty was the official peace settlement that ended the war between Germany and the Allied powers and Germany promised to pay reparations. The treaty of Versailles was the end of WWI, but it also was the beginning of WWII. The treaty of Versailles is important because it had two purposes in Europe, during the 1900´s.