
  • birth

    the start of a new life
  • learned to walk

    I don't remember much back then but i think my parents were happy
  • broke my leg

    The first time I broke a part of my body
  • first day of school

    it was fun but after school was not
  • moved

    The first time I moved
  • got my appendix removed but the doctors did something wrong and i had to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks and was in a coma for one of the weeks and now i have a giant scar on my stomach

    I added this because it changed my life
  • deracho

    a tree almost crushed my room
  • the baby died before it was born

    i added this because this was a major death in my life
  • my mom got pregnant

    I added this because I was happy when my mom and dad told me
  • my mom got pregnant again

    I am happy that I am going to be a big brother
  • three more days until the baby is born

    its a girl