telecomunication inventions

  • computer Charles Babbage

    computer Charles Babbage
    an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
  • telegraph Josep Henry

    telegraph  Josep Henry
    Communication system that allows the transmission of information by means of electrical impulses and using a pre-established sign code like the mors
  • telephone Alexander Graham Bell

    telephone Alexander Graham Bell
    The telphone is han invention crated by Alexander Graham Bell in the year 1876 to call and comunication
  • radio Guglielmo Marconi

    radio Guglielmo Marconi
    Radio is a means of communication that is based on the sending of audio signals through radio waves.
  • television John Logie Baird

    television John Logie Baird
    Remote image and sound transmission system
  • tablet Alan Kay

    tablet Alan Kay
    Tablet (or tablet) is a mobile computing device in which the touch screen occupies almost its entire size and in which there is no physical keyboard.
  • mobile phone Martin Cooper

    mobile phone Martin Cooper
    Mobile or cell phone, device to be able to communicate anywhere and at any time of the day.