• Presentation

    my name is Daniel Felipe Pinzon Diaz I am 17 years old I like the genre of music is:metal,
  • birth

    Born on November 10 of the year 2001 in Zipa
  • between primary

    between primary
    Enter primary school when he was 5 years old in cajica, in the headquarters Pompilio Martinez
  • I lost a course

    I lost my elementary school when I was 9 years old
  • First graduation

    I graduated from fifth grade when I was 11 years old
  • Enter a New School

    Enter a New School
    I went to a new school and it was where I am currently and it was because my mother wanted to change my school
  • my first pet

    my first pet
    My little dog gave it to me when I 12 and it`s called Simon
  • double bass

    double bass
    I started studying the instrument called double bass
  • first "concert"

    first "concert"
    I had my first presentation of double bass in front of the audience of cajica
  • my second graduation

    my second graduation
    I graduated from basic technical school at San Gabriel and started with the technical media
  • Drawing manga

    Drawing manga
    I entered a course last year of manga drawing
  • Hapkido

    enter a hapkido by a friend
  • Acoustic Guitar

    Acoustic Guitar
    between last year to acoustic guitar
  • the band

    the band
    One day at school it occurred to me with a friend to form a metal band
  • Electric guitar

    Electric guitar
    Enter an electric guitar to form a metal band