
  • 1903, Panama Canal

    1903, Panama Canal
    Because of the growing economy during the 20th century, US shipping global goods was booming. And the same was for other countries. Back in the US, for east coast trade to reach the west (vice versa), shipping boats had to go completely around South America which made the route longer. As a result, A treaty was signed with US and Panamanian authorities which initiated the construction of the canal on May 4,1901 and was officially opened on August 15th, 1914.
  • 1914, Beginning of WWI

    1914, Beginning of WWI
    With already growing tensions between world powers, Gavrillo Princip, a Bosnian Serb student assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungry. Princip’s goal was to end Austro-Hungarian rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the Archduke dead, Austria declared war on Serbia which led to the Central Powers and the Allied Powers fighting a long four year war.
  • 1918, End of WWI

    1918, End of WWI
    Known as Armistice Day, the Allies and German signed an armistice agreement which meant an imminent invasion on Germany. At the 11th hour, the 11th day, and the 11th month, the war ends with 20 million dead.
  • 1939, Beginning of WWII

    1939, Beginning of WWII
    The leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler signed a Nonaggression Pact with the Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin. This pact was an agreement between the two that stated whenever Germany invades Poland the Soviets will not act and a division of land from Poland will be honored. Soon after, German would invade Poland while the Soviets invaded from the east. As a result, France and Britain declared war on German, marking the beginning of WWII.
  • 1945, End of WWII

    1945, End of WWII
    Germany was looking at the losing side because of its decline in numbers and resources. As Allied troops move towards Berlin,Hitler commits suicide in his bunker. Replacing Hitler, Grand Admiral Karla Donitz, negotiates and signs with the Allied Powers. As this was happening, Emperor Hirohito of Japan surrenders to the US with the help of the Soviet Union declaring war on the Japanese.
  • 1945, UN is established

    1945, UN is established
    After WWII and the San Francisco Conference, nations signed the Charter which made it the United Nations existence real.
  • 1949, NATO is founded

    1949, NATO is founded
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created by the United States, Canada and 28 European countries. NATO is a peace time agreement that sought to improve war-torn countries after WWII.
  • 1961, The Berlin Wall is built

    1961, The Berlin Wall is built
    Due to West Germany growing East Germany was losing its assets. As a result,Nikita Khrushchev put in place a 27 mile wall to separate West and East Germany. This wall would serve as a symbol for of the Cold War.
  • 1963, JFK Assassinated

    1963, JFK Assassinated
    John F. Kennedy was the 35th United States president. During his Presidential tour, JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald at Dealey Plaza in Dallas Texas.
  • 1989, The Berlin Wall Falls

    1989, The Berlin Wall Falls
    After a 28-year divide between East and West Germany, the wall finally falls.
  • 2000, International Space Station Opens.

    2000, International Space Station Opens.
    Orbiting around the world at 250 miles above sea level, Bill Shepard from the US and Yuri Gidzenko of Russia are both the first temporary residents of the ISS.