Was born
Period: to
Aberham Lincon
Was born in Kentucky
Wikipedia All pictures, names, trademarks, etc. are ©copyrighted by their original owners - no infringement intended. Original content taken from various sources on the internet. I am not affiliated with anyone or his Agent or Production Company. -
Became 18
Got married
Was a Congressman
Became President
He became president -
The Kansas Nebraska act
Peoria Speech
Ran as a Whig
Doglas was re elected to become President
Civil war
A war starts -
Vice President Hannibal Hamlin comes
Battle of Antietam
Lincon starts campagin for the slaves to be free
Confiscation Act was passed for the slaves
Final arguement for the slaves
Civil war ends
He dies
He gets assasiated -
Vice Pesident Hannibal Hamlin goes