
  • 2014

    2014- I got my first Nintendo ds, I got the Mario cart game and that when I first learned to play it. 
  • 2015

    2015- My parents got me a nook and I would download a lot of games and read random books. I was also allowed to play on my parents computer and that when I learned how to use the web and had lots of fun playing games.
  • 2017

    2017- I got my first phone and I learned a lot of new things on it, downloaded a lot of games learned how to text people and learned how to use social media.
  • 2018

    2018-This is when I started playing on a PS3 and learned how to use it and learned how to play all the cool games that we had.
  • 2019

    2019- I got a new phone and I learned a whole lot more of what it could do.