
  • The first IPad

    The IPad was a large phone basically in which it had a much larger screen! The inventor is well known Steve Jobs who invented Apple as a whole.
  • Air Fryer

    The first air fryer! A faster and more convenient way to cook food. Mr. van der Weij invented the air fryer.
  • self driving Tesla

    The first self driving Tesla was released! Elon Musk the creator of Tesla created a self driving one which made it possible to had it drive without human control. How cool!
  • Microchips for Humans

    Yes thats right microchips for humans was invented. Biohax International crated this microchip so that employees didn't have to carry around a badge.
  • microneedles

    Microneedles were created to provide painless injections and tests. Gerstel and Place created these MN to have a less painful needle.