210614211407 01 sir tim berners lee puts original world wide web code up for sale

Technology Through time (A.I. Project Pt.2)

  • 35,000 BCE

    Paleolithic Cave Art

    Paleolithic Cave Art
    The earliest known cave paintings were found in Chauvet Cave, France
  • 35,000 BCE


    One of the earliest writing systems, originating in Mesopotamia
  • Period: 35,000 BCE to

    Inventions over History

  • 3200 BCE

    Egyptian Hieroglyphics

    Egyptian Hieroglyphics
    Writing system used in ancient Egypt
  • 401 BCE

    Handwritten/Illuminated Manuscripts

    Handwritten/Illuminated Manuscripts
    Handwritten books, often lavishly illustrated
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 1440s, enabling mass book production
  • Telegraph

    Electrical telegraph patented by Samuel Morse in 1837
  • Radio

    Radio waves were first produced by Heinrich Hertz in 1887
  • Movies

    First commercial movie screening by the Lumière brothers in 1895
  • Television

    The first working television system was demonstrated in 1927 and created by Philo Farnsworth
  • Computers

    Early computers like the Z3 (1941) and ENIAC (1946), Personal computers emerge in 1970s-1980s
  • Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence
    Term coined in 1956, field develops through neural networks, machine learning
  • Gaming Systems

    Gaming Systems
    Early home consoles like the Magnavox Odyssey (1972)
    Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft systems follow
  • Internet

    ARPANET precursor developed in 1960s
    World Wide Web was invented in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee