It was the murder of over 6 million Jews, disabled people, and other groups like homosexuals. There were many stages of the Holocaust that ended up leading to Jews being sent to extermination, concentration and labor camps. All Jews got denied regular German rights, and their business and homes got destroyed. This took place over 12 years and started before WW2 even began. Hitler said that it was the Jewish people's fault for Germanys problems, and that is why he became Anti-Semitic. -
Hitler Invading Poland
From 4:45am on September 1st to October 6th Germany was trying to invade Poland. The invasion included tons of shelling and bombing, which caused the start of WW2. The German army was still not full strength, and the economy was in peace time production, because of this Hitlers plan was seen as risky. It was led by the Nazis, Soviet Union and Slovaks and followed the signing of the Molotov-Ribbontrop Pact. -
Period: to
World War 2
Britain and France declar War on Germany
Britain and France declared War on Germnay September 3rd, 1939, 2 days after the Invasion of Poland. This was because Britain wanted Hitler to withdraw Poland, but they ended up being ignored, leaving Britain mad, and led to a declaration of War. This was declared by Prime Minister Chamberlain, and ended by October 6th, 1939, and by then Poland did not exist as a country anymore. -
Canada Declares War
On September 10th, 7 days after Britain declared War, Canada joined the War as well. Canada delayed because the House of Commons was on summer break and the King promised to let the parliament make the decision. When Canada started fighting in the war they realized how unprepared they were, but still continued fighting. Prime Minister Mackenzie King requested to King George for the approval to declare War against Germany. Canada did not have to go to War, they could have easily stayed neutral. -
Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain was largely airstrikes and large-scale attacks. It was between The Royal Airforce and the Luftwaffe. Many large cities and towns were hit hard by German bombing, but their original plan was to bomb British Airfields. The Battle of Britain ended because the American, British and France Airforces made the Luffewaffe so frustrated that they wanted to stop the attack. -
Operation Barbarossa
From June 22nd, 1941 to December 5th, 1941 Operation Barbarossa took place. Operation Barbarossa was the code name for the Axis Powers invasion of the Soviet Union. Adolf Hitler wanted to knockout the USSR, even though they had a Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Nazi Germany ended up terminating the pact a few hours before the attack. The Soviets defeated the Germans after many losses, and casualties. -
Japanese Canadian Internment
It began after the attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7th, 1941 and lasted 9 years. Canadians with a Japanese heritage were taken from their homes and scattered around British Columbia. There were 8 internment camps, where everyone was placed. 23 000 Japanese Canadians ended up being taken, some stayed in an internment camp, others worked and did jobs. After the war was over, the government removed all of the Japanese-Canadians and gave them the choice to go back to Japan or to the Rockies. -
The battle of Stalingrad took place in the city of Stalingrad which was named after Joseph Stalin. It was the Allies fighting the Soviet Union for control of the city. It was fought between July 17th, 1942 and February 2nd, 1943, and the main reason for this battle was for the Germans to get access of the oil plants. -
D-Day, also known as Operation Overload started on June 6th, 1944, and lasted until May 7th, 1945. This battle was the largest amphibious invasion with 156,000 allied troops landing on the beaches of Normandy. This plan was made by US President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, they planned on landing in Pas de Calais, but the Germans expected it because it's the closest point between Britain and France, so they decided to do it in Normandy. The Germans surrendered, and Hitler committed suicide. -
The city of Hiroshima was destroyed by the first atomic bomb ever made dropped by the United States. On August 6th, 1945 after testing the first Nuclear bomb in Mexico city, a US Air Force bomber dropped the bomb over the city of Hiroshima. After it was bombed the Japanese government was given a choice to surrender or face another nuclear bombing but it ended up getting ignored.