Melany Iacoban Timeline

  • Brith

    Melany Iacoban was born at Oakwood Hospital in Michigan. On July 13th, 2005 at 3:25 a.m. as the fifth child, my mom had.
  • Cut her lip

    Melany was only 5 years old and it was before she started school did she cut her lip. She was in the shower and she slipped and fell and hit her lip on the metal on the bottom of the shower. She ended up having to get stitches on her lip and head.
  • First day of school

    Melany's first day of school was when she was 5 years old in 2010. She was very nervous Since she didn't go to preschool and she was very scared to meet new people.
  • Broke arm while riding a bike

    Melany was 6 years old and she was riding a bike with her friends on the Dirt Road next to her house. They were racing and she crashed and fell on her arm. She ended up having to wear a cast for 4 months because she had broken her arm.
  • Fruzina died

    Fruzina was one of our mom's family friends that always used to bring us cakes. She died because she had cancer and it was when Melany was only 7 years old.
  • Almost drowned in 5th grade

    It was at the 5th-grade pool party and she jumped in 10-foot water even though she didn't know how to swim. Her feet didn't touch the bottom of the pool and because she couldn't swim she almost drowned but luckily she saved herself.
  • Got tonsils taken out

    She was 12 years old when she got her tonsils taken out for health reasons. After she got her tonsils taken out shedding popsicles for 6 months because it hurt to eat.
  • Got the Holy Spirit

    The holy spirit is very important in our religion and it is a step to get closer to God. She got her Holy Spirit when she was in 7th grade in January.
  • Grandpa died

    Grandpa died September 28th, 2018 of an illness. The funeral was held October fourth through seventh with all her family members.
  • Family gathering

    There was a family gathering for Christmas break in 2019. It was special because it was the first family gathering in a long time.
  • Serg died

    Serg was our sister Miriam's boyfriend and he died in April 2019. He was like a brother to Melanie and everyone else in the family.
  • Vacation to Florida

    Our family went on vacation to Florida before the pandemic in August for our cousin's birthday. Melanie to meet my sister's boyfriend, and spend time with our second cousins.
  • The start of 9th grade

    She started ninth grade in 2018 and all her classes were far away from each other so sorry for her. It also was a lot more work than she got in eighth grade and backpacks were carried.
  • Went Up North

    Our family went up North this September and we stayed at a rented house and spent some family time together. She got to take a lot of photos and eat really good food.