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Angels Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in the colorado springs hospital at 7:30 at night.
  • Period: to


    Birth to 12 Years
  • Traveling with my brother

    Traveling with my brother
    Going on vacations with my big brother. This is a picture of us in pennsylvania.
  • My sport

    My sport
    I used to love gymnastics this is a picture of me in the blossom parade.
  • Youngest brothers birth

    Youngest brothers birth
    The day that my youngest out of 5 brothers was born.
  • Period: to

    High School

    Teen Years
  • First month of high school.

    First month of high school.
    This is one of the first days of high school with one of my friends my freshman year.
  • Ceramics

    Taking my first ceramics class and finding my passion for it.
  • Moving in to my new house.

    Moving in to my new house.
    Getting a new house with my mom my brother and our pets.
  • Softball

    playing one of my last games for the season due to my injury
  • Period: to


    After Graduation
  • Post Graduation

    Post Graduation
    I want to become a neo natal nurse or an er nurse
  • pets

    I’d like to get a few pets.
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    I want to get married at some point in my life
  • Starting a family

    Starting a family
    In the future I would like to get married and have kids
  • Traveling

    when i’m older I want to travel
  • Death

    my timeline will end with me passing away