
  • First website

    The first website that went online was on August 6, 1991. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee and he also created the world wide web. It showed how to create web pages.
  • Wireless printer

    The first wireless printer was invented by Andrew Clams. The printer is connected by bluetooth or wifi.
  • Wifi

    When wifi was first invented and released. It provided up to 2 mbit/s and was later updated in 1999. It was then mostly sold in 1999 with the speed of 11mbit/s.
  • First laptop with wifi

    Apple made the first laptop with wifi on July 21, 1999. It has then made connecting to the internet easier.
  • Nokia 3310

    Nokia 3310
    It was the most successful phone sold in the world. Made by Nokia and it had games, calculator, stop watch and reminder function. the most popular game at the time was snake.