
  • Born

    I was born in the Year 2006
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    I was celebrated my first birthday when most of my relatives were there
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    When I was one and a half years old, I started walking
  • Baptist

    I was baptized when I was one and half year old in San Vicente de Chucurí Santander
  • My First party

    My First party
    When I was two years old I went to the first communion of one of my aunts which is very important for me.
  • three years

    three years
    I was taking a little nap when I was three years old
  • My first concert

    My first concert
    When I was four years old I went to the concert of Jorge Varón's All-Star Show
  • My first graduation

    My first graduation
    I was graduated from preschool in a small school in a town in San Vicente de Chucurí and I had to walk a long way to get there.
  • Marriage

    My parents were got married years after having me.
  • I've grown up

    I've grown up
    When I was five years old I went to the confirmation of one of my closest cousins
  • Assembly

    My parents and I went to an assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses since the whole family belonged to that religion.
  • Celebrated

    We went out to were celebrate that my parents celebrated three years of marriage.
  • one more graduation

    one more graduation
    I was graduated from fifth grade and was able to start my years at Camilo Torres School
  • Graduation three

    Graduation three
    My sister Isabella was graduated from preschool at Mi Granjita school.
  • Graduation four

    Graduation four
    I was graduated as a heavy machinery operator
  • we celebrate men's day

    we celebrate men's day
    celebrated Men's Day in electronics class
  • exhibition

    We were went out to show our project to the attendees in the auditorium